X-Men – 10

Seriously, now this is what I’m expecting out f a great action series. This episode filled in what this show had been missing so far: an engaging storyline. It finally revealed why everyone had been doing the things they did, and it worked wonderfully. It was a bit of a wait (heck, the series will be over in just two episodes), but this episode was exactly what this show needed to really put that sense of urgency to the whole conflict. I admit, Sasaki Yui turned out to be a great villain.

Now, this episode did have a few problems, but those are just minor bugs. It’s a bit strange why everyone just stood around casually chatting while the big bad guy was already getting his hands o the ultimate super weapon. They were lucky that he was waiting for his subordinate to arrive or he could have just left without any of them noticing.

a subordinate who looks downright creepy by the way. What I also liked about this episode was that despite the fact that it was an exposition episode, it still had plenty of action that just kept moving forward. In fact, that’s always been the strength of this show: the way it balances its action. There’s neither too little nor too much, and what’s there delivers. This episode only reinforced my beliefs that this show has the best animation of the season.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

6 thoughts on “X-Men – 10

  1. This has been pretty amazing… Hard to believe just 2 seasons ago MAdhouse put out the craptastic Iron Man… If they keep getting better at this rate, then Blade will be incredible

  2. If you were to marathon the last four or five episodes it might be possible to make a drinking game out of every time Hisako says Saski Sensei.

    That said, this was a great episode that finally brought everything together.

  3. @Carbuncle MIchales Jackson elliot: just like the 2 previous Madhouse-Marvel animes, it’s 12 episodes since Blade is coming up next in Summer.

  4. I still can’t belive Hisako is the second most usefull team-member, besides Wolverine. Cy and Storm have been prettu uselss… and Emma won’t use her freaking mind readin powers unless she’s held at gunpoint, or what?

  5. I’m enjoying the show so much … but there is a point that is irking me so much … why the heck didn’t Emma read Yui’s mind the moment they met her .. or at the very least when she started acting weird and stuff got out of control .. a lot of the shit that happened could have been averted if she did … please don’t tell she didn’t read her mind becasue she didn’t want to intrude or becasue the huge blocking machine was blocking her … she could tap into cyclops mind very easily .. so why the heck not Yui’s mind !!!!?

    This is really the only weak point so far .. other than that the series delivers action. stunning visuals and a decent story and characters … 2 more episodes to go on and declare this one of the best animated X-men adaptions so far (the ending could make it or break it) XD

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