Wolverine – 08

This episode again didn’t put any supernatural powered opponents against Wolverine, but instead it spent a lot of time again on buildup (which now seems t be finished, though) and a fight against two random goons in some impenetrable… box. It was quite entertaining, though. They went through so much length to set up the perfect trap for Wovlerine, painstakingly install cameras and even entire machine guns, and he takes them out like it’s nothing.

I often complain against stereotypically evil bad guys. For Wolverine though, I really don’t think that the bad guys here are a problem. Now, they 100% evil, but what this show does right is the fact that it spends time on them. It shows a bit of their personalities beyond what we usually see from random goons and mid-bosses. What’s what made this episode work. It was quite endearing when these guys were waiting anxiously for Logan to find a way to break through that impenetrable wall of theirs.

Also, the drama around Yukio was great. The creators knew exactly that it should be used as background for her character, not the entire plot like Iron Man did. Yukio simply accepts that that guy is her grandfather, even though she left him due to the way he treated her. Nothing more, nothing less. Oh, and she’s actually forgiven for being a damsel in distress for nearly successfully trying to escape for once. It’s a shame that Mariko has to be so passive, but then again, if she was able to escape we wouldn’t have a story for this show.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

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