White Album – 12

Short Synopsis: Rina reveals Yuki’s letter to Touya.
Episode Rating: 7,5/10 (Good)
Ah, there you have it. The whole reason why Yuki didn’t attempt to contact Touya was because she wanted to show him how much she has changed at her Christmas concert, and forbade herself to talk to him in the meantime. Way to go, girl.

Still, that doesn’t quite explain this series’ very mysterious lack of postmen. Seriously, I may be mistaken in this but it feels like every single letter has to be delivered in person. Because Yuki’s schedule is so hectic, the two of them could easily have decided to exchange letters with each other. Why didn’t they? The whole reason Yuki decided to stop talking to Touya was because she couldn’t contact him when he was on his escapades with Misaki, so why couldn’t she have sent him a bunch of letters instead? It’s very annoying to see that my suspense of disbelief with this series is constantly shaking, especially since there are so many good ideas stuffed into this series. it’d be a shame for them to go to waste like that.

But yeah, the big event of this episode seems to be that we finally know who Touya is going to end up with: Yayoi. In a way, it is a very original approach: you’d never see this coming at the beginning of the series, but it still just feels ludicrous and hard to believe how much the relationship between the two has spiralled out of control that way. I can understand Touya being seduced by her and all, but I still am in no way convinced about Yayoi’s actions. Even the reason she originally gave in order to hook up with the guy just feels weak: to prevent Touya from distracting Yuki. Was that really the best she could think of?

But the most pathetic scene in this episode was seeing Misaki confronted by the head of the drama club. For some reasons his minions are gone, he has gone insane, he stabs her with a knife but she is saved because she conveniently had one of Touya’s books at the place where she was stabbed. I mean, come on, that really was the best they could think of? Has there been any situation in which a conveniently placed body armour really worked at all?

I really don’t know what to think of that second season. The next episode really has a big climax in store, and it actually looks like things could get al resolved in the next episode, even if there wasn’t a second season, which leaves lots of potential for the second season to evolve into a completely different direction. But if it’s just going to have the same soap opera plot as the first season, then I really don’t know whether I’m going to feel like blogging 13 more episodes. I really tried to love this series. There is lots of great stuff in it, but in the end it’s just too much like a soap opera for me to take it seriously….

11 thoughts on “White Album – 12

  1. It’s no “second season”. It’s episodes 14-26. There won’t be any happy resolution next episode, and Touya’s not going to end up with anyone either.

    Episode 13 will be the train wreck. The interesting part will be 14-26, to see what they’ll build out of the rubble.

  2. I can’t see him ending up with Yayoi. Though she’s the most charismatic character in the series, I have never seen a show being so daring as to not let the protagonist end up with one of the main female characters (Rina/Yuki in this case), which explains the second season as well, obviously.

    It turned into a really tiresome show, somehow.

  3. This show isn’t meant to take seriously. Sit back and enjoy. Just try not to fall asleep. Well, it has its moments (mostly when Rina shows up).

  4. Kabitzin from http://www.seaslugteam.com has a rather nice and reasonable analysation of the series in context to Robert Browning´s Poetry. (Brownings work has a minor “guest Role” in the anime)

    This is especially reinforced since pivotal character information is usually given in text form as inner monolouge. Here character motivations are basically just as important as character actions. (Browning is famous for his dramatic monologues)

    I´m really curious what will happen once the characters have to justify their actions to someone else than themselves.

  5. Just read the seaslugs post, quite interesting.

    We finally get to hear ‘The Letter’. Typed up Eclipse’s translation on suki.

  6. Haha, I don’t think that Touya will end up with Yayoi, since everyone knows Yayoi is just doing this for Yuki. Once Yuki dumps Touya, Yayoi is going to give him the cold shoulder and come to collect on all the money he borrowed.

  7. Don’t you like soap operas?! I totally like them, but most of the people find they’re stupid, I don’t agree ( the ones I follow every day are ” the Young and the Restless” and ” the Bold and the beautiful or Top Models”, well – known around the world and US , maybe that’s why I just love this series , more and more with each episode. I wish there could be a second season of this show because they have the material. But it is the second time you mention soaps for anime, the other one I remember is Code Geass, which is by far my most favorite series, so I think my liking of soaps drove me into liking those shows so much.

  8. That letter reading was the longest static shot I ever saw in an anime.

    Trivia aside, there’s good news, as mobiles are finally coming to this anime’s universe! So finally in the second season the characters will have less trouble reaching each other, and the script writers will have to be less lazy to create angst ^_^

    Also, I don’t think Yayoi will be the one, not even at the end of the first season. I guess the whole point of the first season was to open the game so that all these girls can play their expected part in a harem anime. Probably season one could be called the prologue, before the actual competition starts.

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