White Album – 07

Short Synopsis: The identity of the mysterious high school girl gets revealed and Rina invites Touya to his own recording session.
Episode Rating: 8/10 (Excellent)
So in the end, this remains a harem, though it also remains a damn good one. I’m not watching this series to see how many girls Touya can screw, and I don’t care whether this series ends with Touya ends up breaking up with Yuki, making up with her, or even if he ends up screwing everyone and his dog (not exactly the most appropriate figure of speech to use here, but you get the point). Right now, I’m satisfied enough with the show’s execution and how well it captured the different emotions of the different characters.

If School Days was blessed with the same execution, I bet that I wouldn’t have hated it as much as I did in the end. Especially in the harem genre, where it’s WAY too easy to throw a bunch of girls together near one protagonist, making them fall in love with him for the shallowest reasons, you NEED this good execution, otherwise you’ll just end up with a copy of all the fifty or so (how many are there anyway?) harems that are already out there.

Anyway, the mysterious high school girl turns out to be the girl that Touya was supposed to tutor. It turns out to be an easy job, since she seems to be a very good student and her mother simply hired him in an attempt do do her daughter a favour. She’s a typical girl whose parents are always out, and stands out the most in the surprisingly direct comments she makes towards Touya.

I think that this episode also showed that Touya doesn’t believe he’s cheating, but simply was helping out a friend in need. However later, he does behave a bit obsessive when Rina suddenly pops up, up to the point where Misaki just walks out of him. Haruka also turns out to have feelings for the guy. We really need to see a bit more about her.

One thing that I feel like is missing here is other males. True tears did this quite well, where the female characters also had feelings for other males apart from the lead character, but here Touya is the only one for the female characters to fall in love with. Are there no other childhood friends for both Haruka and Misaki? How come we never see Yuki hanging out with other boys? Ah well, it must have been a conscious decision from the creators to not make this into an overly convoluted soap opera love polygon, but it does feel a bit jarring at times.

10 thoughts on “White Album – 07

  1. I find the True comments strange .

    The best friend and Noe’s older brother brought nothing to the story . The best friend didn’t have any girl in love with him , and only got a girl at the end , because she settled for him knowing she had no chance with her real love .

    Noe’s older brother didn’t have any girls care for him either , unless you are talking about his sister .

  2. School Days a copy? In what other harem anime do the girls get laid? In what other anime is the horny protagonist actually using all his chances instead of missing all of them? School Days is a parody and supposed to be fun. To all those who hated Makoto I say: You have been trolled! And you’re damn jealous anyway. Anyone who actually took School Days seriously, hated Makoto. So how can you claim with a straight face that execution was poor? It was superb. What the harem lunatics can’t swallow is they’re being pissed in the face but still don’t have the balls to quit watching.

  3. All I can see so far is…

    Haruka – lost puppy dog
    Misaki – becoming yandere?
    Rina – still love her
    Yuki – she got game
    Yayoi – Yuki Yuri lover?
    Mana – typical background, but keen and smart

    Seems the hidden room in ECHOES might become a stage battle for Yuki and Rina. Touya’s character was growing, but a tad bit. If he was sleeping with other girls like Makoto, this would be called College Days. ^^

  4. @Mackreki
    i have to disgree with u completely on aiko settling for nabuse..they are starting over for real ..she’s always known how much he cared for her ,that why she asked him to start over beacuse she wants to love him..listen to the drama CD..aiko’s in love with nabuse now …
    dunno a bout jun ..

  5. A drama cd isn’t canon , and you seem naive .

    It is clear Aiko loves the main character . We know that near the end of the anime that she is going to try and start over with the friend , but that is just because she is a realist and has to move on .

    Adults refer to what Aiko did near the end as “settling” . She knows she has no chance with the guy she wants , so instead of moping around for years, she is “trying” to move on .

    If it were a real life relationship i would feel bad for the best friend . Having someone “Settle” for you isn’t something a normal guy would put up with .

  6. I’m surprised by how much you like this series to be honest; it seems ridiculous and unrealistic to me. For this episode, the scene with Haruka at Touya’s apartment bugged me most. We have no idea why she is obsessed (and come on, ringing the doorbell over and over then breaking down and crying?) with the clueless Touya. There’s been build up for a crush, but nothing for what she did here. I can’t fathom how Yuki and Touya managed to stay together until this point what with all the girls throwing themselves at him; it seems like everyone else is more passionate about Touya (why?) than she is.

    In the end, I guess, this will just not be the series to change my negative opinion of harems ^^;

  7. Why would this show be unrealistic? I’d consider it a great strength that it does NOT sacrifice realism on the altar of melodrama.

    And there has been plenty foundation for the Haruka breakdown. She has been CONSTANTLY bugging Touya. She’s even been waiting in front of his door to go for a walk (ep2). Now that he’s unavailable, she’s cracking.

  8. I’m also finding the amount of girls orbiting around Touya bordering on the ridiculous. It’s a bit better in the case of the music production girls, at least they have a reason to be connected, but the other ones (Haruka, Misaki, etc) just seem random additions to the story.

    I don’t know how many episodes this series have, but if it’s only 12 it’s hard to see how each girl/story can be correctly developed.

  9. @ mackreki
    i agree with u that she’s moving on but that doesn’t mean that she want’s to settle for the guy ..why wouid she call and start over with him then ?she wants to start over with him as friends and see if she can eventually for him ..it’s not like thier starting over as couple yet like ur assuming ..thier just taiking thigs slowly ..he said he’d work hard so that one day she knit him a sweater and she said she’d improve her kitting skills for day..if she rlly is settling like u said ,isn’t she making the same mistake a gain? if she didn’t want to move on and forget she wouidn’t have called nabuse ..she asked to start over as just friends because she still loves shin and can’t see nabuse that way yet and still thinks she’s no gd for him that why she said it was impossible to knit a sweater ..she’s trying to move on and wants to make it up to nabuse .shin is not that important to her anymore (she’s facing relaity)and she now knows who’s the who loves her the most …u can call it anything u want but she’s rlly starting with him for real …

    and no i’m not naive ..i know the whole ‘moving on beacuse it’s reality’…we just have differnt opinions ..no need to call each other names ^ ^

    and yes the drama CD is the after story (future of the girls )so everything a bout it is true ..

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