White Album – 03

Short Synopsis: Rina arranges a new job for Tooya.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
I’m starting to like this series more and more. The writing is very subtle, and likes to skip scenes of dialogue, to instead just show the expressions on the characters’ faces. And especially with Rina: it’s really hard to try and understand what she’s thinking. Why is she so specifically hitting on the boyfriend of one of her good friends? The girl is a very good actress, so it’s hard to tell where she was simply putting up an act or genuine, and the writers of this series are really good at switching the impression the viewers are supposed to get of her multiple times within one episode.

First, she invites Tooya to a job: be Rina’s assistant manager. When he arrives for his first day, Rina turns out to have fired her old manager, so that Tooya has to become her main manager. Then, after seeing Tooya and Yuki flirting with each other while she was rehearsing, she smacks Tooya (twice) and a day later he’s fired. Then it turns out that it wasn’t Rina who fired him, but her brother. Yuki was also supposed to have a day off at Saturday, which she planned to spend together with Tooya, but this was cancelled due to a sudden job that came up. I’m not sure whether Rina was behind that one too, but the possibility is definitely there.

I’m surprised at how badly this series is received. Weren’t shows with cute girls and eroge adaptations supposed to be popular? In any case, I like this series, and how it intentionally waits with playing all of its trumps in the first round. There’s a lot going on in this series, but most of it is still pretty much hidden, and instead the creators go for a slow but solid and natural progression of events.

It’s a shame that the animation quality went down this episode, but that was to be expected. Now I just hope that the creators have enough budget to return back to the same quality of the first episode (a la Birdy the Mighty), but I do fear that the biggest part of the animation budget was blown on the first two episodes like you see with most short series like this one.

11 thoughts on “White Album – 03

  1. Ouch ^_^;

    Sorry, you are fundamentally off in several aspects. You may want to watch the fansub to clear up the critical things

    1) Rina didn’t hit on Touya after all. She was setting up the fake act in order to give Yuki and him some quality time together. So far, she’s only trying to help Yuki.

    2) It was Yayoi (Yuki’s manager) who saw them on the roof and ratted to Eiji, who then fired Touya. Yayoi wants to break Yuki and Touya up so that Yuki can concentrate on her career unburdened.

    3) Rina was fighting to get Touya reemployed and promised to make it up to Touya.

    4) Unfortunately, she left more of an impression on Touya than she might have intended. After all, he was beginning to dream of her slap ^_^;

  2. “Weren’t shows with cute girls and eroge adaptations supposed to be popular?”

    I guess people are becoming smarter

  3. Well, this one sure isn’t your usual eroge adaption. Much more serious, and without comedy. And pretty demanding on the viewer.

  4. My senses tell me that Rina has something to do behind the ‘date cancellation’. I’m sure she’s gonna deny that, make it seem like all she did was to make Yuki and Touya spend more time together~ but I don’t know… I’d say she’s a really clever schemy bitch 😛

  5. Even I’m perplexed about the whole closet thing. (I can only think about hiding or doing naughty things)

    In the sub, did anyone notice when Touya read the person’s name for tutoring, it was “Mizuki Mana”? It’s obviously referring to Mizuki Nana’s character as Rina. Rina either wanted a tutor for herself or try to hook Touya up with Yuki.

    Yuki and Touya both need to come clean or “out of the closet” if a decent relationship should spring. For some reason, I speculate Yuki might die, have a disease, move to another city or country, or perhaps have some affair with Eiji.

    We all know he won’t hook up with Haruka, but she still has a chance. May the best “route” win.

  6. Woah, I thought this would be something like the other love triangle dramas, but this one has been actually very good. 😮
    White Album has been done very well this far, hopefully it will be this way untill the end.

    I like how Touya’s thoughts are written at the same time he is talking to people. This shows how we might think other things than what we are really doing.
    I like all the side characters immensenly lot, especially Haruka. Sad that her brother has died. :/

    I’m going to follow this. Thanks for blogging.

  7. Touya is a dipshit. An incorrigible, irredeemable dipshit. For why he’s a dipshit, visit other blogs, and find out the general consensus of what most bloggers think of him. In short, they think of him as a STUPID dipshit undeserving of either of the two women (ESPECIALLY NOT RINA).

    The guy’s a jerk. He slams the door in women’s faces. He uses people as he wants. His good intentions to hook up his best friend are so freaking misplaced that it’s unintentionally funny. Worst of all, he lets other women come on to him and LIE about it despite saying he loves Yuki and all that jazz.

    That being said, as a protagonist, he fails.
    He’s not on the same level as Itou Mikoto who’d tell his girl off after finding out she has his baby and dumping his crush after having his way with her, but hell, at the rate he’s going at, he’s getting there. And he’s not going to be stabbed by one person. It’s going to be nearly everyone he knows.

    In conclusion, this show is unpopular because the protagonist is a dipshit undeserving of his place as the laed. If the message they were trying to get at was that assholes without an ounce of intelligence or redeeming qualities are the ones who get girls in life, then they’ve succeeded in getting that point across, and successfully trolling/pissing off the viewers who DO have an ounce of an intelligence.

    For most viewers, this show would have been a dorp after the first ep. For those who are bored, well, they’ll stick around to laugh, and troll this show. I can’t stress enough how much of a dipshit I think Touya is. He’s not even a typical nice guy. He’s just a stupid dipshit who thinks he’s nice.

  8. Rawr: I’m not sure I agree with those arguments. Based on the same logic, all male leads should ideally be virtuous flowerchilds, nice to everyone they meet, never lie to anyone and have the emotional stability of a terminator (okay, that may be a bit exaggerated, but you get the point). For me, it doesn’t really matter how much a character is flawed or not, it more depends on how the creators present him, and how well he’s developed.

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