Which Autumn Series do you want me to blog?

Next up in the category of “ah, why not?”, I figured that it might be interesting to revive a little contest I held a year ago. Before the start of the spring and autumn-season of 2007, I ran a small poll where readers could nominate an upcoming series. The one with the most votes would be blogged, no matter what, which resulted in me blogging first Claymore and then Gundam 00.

I decided to not do the same for the past spring-season because I needed a small break from it, but it’s a fun thing to do about once a year. Especially since this time I’ll have no idea which show I’ll be forced to blog until I watch its first episode.

Anyway, here are some concrete rules:
– To make a valid vote, drop a comment leaving your selection. You can select up to two series from the upcoming Autumn season.
– The anime with the most amount of votes in the end will be blogged for at least 12 or 13 episodes (in the unlikely event that the series in question becomes way too much of a chore to cover).
Here‘s a list with the shows that are scheduled to air. (At least, that’s what I assume. Notify me if it isn’t complete).
– No direct sequels; that’s just boring and predictable.
– Apart from that, I accept any series with an airdate between September 25th and November 11th (yes, those were the first dates that came to my mind)
– Please refrain from spoiling synopsises or staff lists. I’m still trying to enter the Autumn Season with as little information as possible about the upcoming shows, and I’d like to keep it that way.
– The poll will end at September 30, 23:59 GMT. All votes that arrive after that will be ignored.

Here are the current scores:
Tytania – 23
Michiko to Hatchin – 20
Skip Beat – 14
Tales of the Abyss – 11
Chaos Head – 10
Hakushaku to Yosei – 9
Shikabane Hime – 8
Kuroshitsuji – 7
Toradora – 6
Kurozuka – 6
Casshern – 6
Yozakura Quartet – 5
Today in Class 5-2 – 3
Ga-Rei-Zero – 3
Mouryou no Hako – 2
Macademi Wasshoi – 1
Bihada Ichizoku – 1

98 thoughts on “Which Autumn Series do you want me to blog?

  1. I have to go for “Hakushaku to Yosei,” even though I’m fairly sure I’ll be the only one casting that vote. It looks like something you might enjoy, I think.

  2. I’d like to see Yozakura Quartet blogged, I too feel I might be making a sole vote as well though. However I’m looking forward to it as i’ve enjoyed the manga it’s based on and because of who it’s being directed by.

  3. Two series, huh? Well, in that case I go for “Kuroshitsuji” and “Michiko to Hatchin”, although they are not my favourites. But, I hope you would blog them.

  4. The manga of Toradora was great so I expect the same of the anime and since J.C. Staff is doing it I am sure it shall be. Vote to Toradora!

  5. Don’t really understand this rule:
    “No direct sequels; that’s just boring and predictable.”

    So I can’t vote Jigoku Shoujo?

  6. Blog Macademi Wasshoi!. Sometimes you need to watch some bizarre comedies with a little of fanservice. You aren’t blogging nothing of this style, so blog this for a change.

  7. Don’t know if you count this as a direct sequel, but I’d love to see you blog “Kyou no 5 no 2,” a.k.a. “Today in Class 5-2.” The OAV was hysterical, and I’m really curious what you’d think of the TV series, as it’s kind of something you don’t normally like (fanservice), but it’s done in such a way that I think you *just might* like it. It’d be interesting to get your perspective on a show that derives all of its humor from highly coincidental, unlikely, but VERY WELL-CONCEIVED situations involving lots of fanservice. (:

    That’s assuming the TV series is anywhere near as good as the OAV, though.

    I’m also intrigued by Hakushaku to Yousei, so I guess my second vote goes to that – since all the other shows I’m really looking forward to are sequels (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae, ef -a tale of melodies-, CLANNAD: After Story, etc.).


  8. Go for Nodame Cantabile-pari hen!
    And I also recommend Michiko to Hatchin, though i think you would likely to blog this anyway…

  9. Skip Beat would be great! It’s my favorite manga. So I hope, the anime adaption will be as well as the manga.
    It is a pity that you don’t blog direct sequels, because Nodame Cantabile surely will be as charming as the first season. So I give my second vote to Kuro Shitsuji. The story seems interesting.

  10. Tales of the Abyss! I’m slightly worried about the adaptation since it’s facial-distortion experts Sunrise who are animating, but the game is a classic.

    For the second vote, one of the reasons I like this blog is the way you watch many different types of series, so how about Casshern? The art style seems pretty interesting.

  11. I’ll go for Yozakura Quartet and Casshern, though I don’t know too much about either. If I can’t vote remakes (Casshern) then er, maybe Ga-Rei.

    You’re pretty brave to nominate yourself for this. You could end up setting through hours of pain, although you’ve probably avoided the worst of it (RxV2) with the no sequal rule.
    I’ll be taking your opinion into account before I decide to watch anything anyway.

  12. Michiko to Hatchin and Tytania seem the most interesting of the autumn anime to me. I’ll take this chance to say there are a fair few really good series I wouldn’t have got around to if I hadn’t seen them reviewed here, so thanks for that!

  13. Just looking at the chart… Tytania. Good space opera is always awesome. Also, Kurozuka, if it’s the Japan-through-the-ages thing it sounds like it’s going to be.

    Can we anti-vote things? Kuroshitsuzi sounds like a complete f*cking disaster area, and I’m wary of Hakushaku to Yousei as well. A Knight on a quest for a sword? In 19th century Britain? That sounds exactly like standard issue fantasy guff draped in an “exotic” setting the author knows sod-all about.

  14. 1. Shikabane-hime because some of my favorite shows have come from Gainax.

    2. Michiko to Hatchin because if this is anything as good as Samurai Champloo it will be good.

  15. Just from the images and small description, these are the ones that caught my eye: Kurozuka, Today in Class 5-2, and I think I read the beginnings of Skipbeat before and it was entertaining. Maybe Hyakko. But the first episodes will determine if they are bloggable or not.

  16. Tales of the abyss, for my vote, since I already played the game and kind of impressed with it. And if the producers make it according to the game’s storyline, it will be a pretty good one to watch for me. The characters are appealing to my taste and the later twisted plot is interesting .

    And since there ‘re already some voting for Hakushaku to Yousei, I will vote for Kuro Shitsuji, reading some of the mangas and it ‘s ok, at least Sebastian is one cool of a butler.

  17. The two anime that stood out the most for me this season are Chaos Head and Michiko to Hatchin, so I’ll vote for those two.

    You are going to have a busy time watching the first episodes of all these anime. Including OVA’s…there’s like 45 airing.

  18. Whoa, never expected to get this much responses in just one night. Thanks everyone. I’ve posted the results up till now.

    Derek: yeah, I chose to include that rule because otherwise people would just vote for their favourite second season too much. Besides, Jigoku Shoujo is the only series of which you can be sure that I’m going to blog it. 😉

    Wyrdwad: I’m not sure, Today in Class 5-2 sounds like just a direct sequel from the OVAs.

  19. i myself don’t know much about the series that will be released this autumn but i will choose two series that i least know something about and those two are:Tytania and Ga-Rei-Zero

    so there will be a Kurozuka anime!! that should be interesting and i am glad that Madhouse is making it

  20. Based on a couple of previews I’ve seen this fall season seems horrible. The two that are winning now (Michiko to Hatchin, Tytania) are probably 2 of the 5 or so series that seem half watchable.
    So my votes go for Tytania and Michiko to Hatchin.

  21. Skip Beat!

    Those 2 are definitely “must-not-miss” even if the studios only did a half-assed job adapting them from the Manga.
    They are THAT good. 🙂

  22. I’m pro Skip Beat – simply because the Manga is great. I’m afraid the Anime won’t reach the glorious humor and character portrait of the Manga, but I’m interested nevertheless…

  23. First of all isn’t your list mising some animes like Mōryō no Hako and Kannagi ?

    Secondly I’d like to see both Mōryō no Hako and Kuroshitsuji get blogged.

    And last thing are you going to blog Shigofumi OVA ? since you blogged the tv series and all.

  24. Miracle girl: the list is missing some shows because they have yet to be nominated by someone. 😉

    And yes, I’ll probably blog the Shigofumi OVA when it comes out. Same with the Gunslinger Girl – Il Teatrino DVD-specials.

  25. Kurozuka and Chaos HEAD look like the winners of this upcoming season IMO. Blogging them would probably be quite interesting…

    Screw Skip Beat. Everyone and their Grandma will be blogging that already…

  26. I’d say Yozakura Quartet and Chaos Head.

    For the first one, the manga has captured my interest so far and I like the character design. Meanwhile for Chaos Head, mysteries and murders =

  27. Today in Class 5-2 probably *is* just a sequel to the OAV, but since I don’t think you ever blogged the OAV, I figured it still might count. 😉


  28. Chaos head seems like a good mystery series…(i’m kind of fanatic of horror and mystery) and I just love Tales of the Abyss, because it’s a RPG with really good characters.

  29. Shikabane Hime and Michiko to Hatchin would be my top picks. Come on, they’re by Gainax and Manglobe respectively!

    Ga-Rei-Zero too, by the way; honestly curious what the studio plans for that considering the characters in the site aren’t the same as from the manga. Hopefully they’d make it better; the manga’s mediocre as fuck.

  30. I’d say Michiko to Hatchin & Tytania if you weren’t gonna blog those anyway…if that’s not guaranteed then those are my choices.

    But, if you were looking for other series besides those, my votes go to: Mouryou no Hako & Kurozuka…

  31. Nooooooooo. I rather have Michiko to Hatchin than Tytania. Its another space opera anime, its not we never seen one of those before. Sigh.

  32. Blog what ever show is most appealing to you. I rather see you write insightful entries about shows you are interested in rather than half-ass rants about a show you could care less about.

  33. Michiko to Hatchin is one of my most looked forward to series, and I’d love to see your take on it.

    And I’ll throw in Bihada Ichizoku as a “yeah, right” vote.

  34. I think the best anime of this season will be Michiko to Hatchin. I love that trailer!

    And second series – Kuroshitsuji, but it’s nothing special, i think it will be just a little of dumb fun.

  35. OMG nobody voted for Jigoku Shoujo yet. Of course I’ll go for Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae and as for my second vote, I ‘ll choose Tales of Abyss.

  36. Kim: *points at the “no direct sequels”-rule* 😉

    Oops I missed that. Well just Tytania then it’s the only new fall show that sounds interesting to me.

  37. Ops, sorry, I hadn’t seen the no sequels rule lol. Anyway I still vote for Tales of the Abyss, cuz I have no idea what the other showsare. XD

  38. I would want a blogger covering Tales of the Abyss please.

    That being said, I hope you will review Grave of the Fireflies soon. I want someone OTHER than THEM reviewing it.

  39. I’d vote for Skip Beat and Nodame 2, except can’t vote for Nodame, as its definitely a sequel. Since I can’t take that one, I choose Kurozuka.

  40. oops forgot to comment.

    Chaos;Head is my second chose. It is a mystery murder serie, so just the opposite Psgels would blog. A nice challenge for him 😉 eheh

    Casshern is my first chose this year. I must admit i have high expectations from this show cause i know the subject from the very firt serie, aired in my country 30 years ago. (yes, im that old!!)
    If they’d succeeded in reviving the magnificent old Kyashan themes 40 years later, than this serie could turn out awesome. If they just wanted to take advantage of the chars and go for a simple visual fest with no concepts, like they already did with the live movie, it will be a disaster!

  41. It’s a 3-way tie between Tales of the Abyss, Hakushaku to Yousei, and Kuroshitsuji for me…

    I also wish someone would blog Tytania since it isn’t likely to be a series I’d watch before getting someone else’s opinion on it.

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