Welcome to the Aniblog Tourney

Well it has taken a bit longer than expected, but it’s finally Star Crossed’s turn to go up in the aniblog tourney. You can find the link here:


Also please be sure to check out the blogs I’m up against: 8thsin Fansub Anime Blog, Amaenbou Dane~ and Shameful Otaku Secrets.

For the ones who came here for the first time: welcome. I’m the kind of writer who tries to cover as much as possible. Be my guest and have a look around.

12 thoughts on “Welcome to the Aniblog Tourney

  1. Voted. I find that your blog is the most easiest on the eyes and navigation. Also you cover both obscure older titles and currently airing shows, that is a major plus for me.

  2. I threw in my vote too. Your focus on older titles and also your liking of shojo in the past being my main reason and I don’t say it lightly but you effectively got me back into anime a few years ago.
    I also love the shoutbox..that beautiful beautiful shoutbox =D

  3. Voted! I’ve been following your blog since 2007 and have always return to it especially if I want some recommendations of new series to watch. I like how you review old series, shoujo, and sometimes obscure animes. You’ll definitely win by a landslide!

  4. Also put my vote in for you. I enjoy the wide variety of anime you cover and the massive amount too. I still don’t know how you do it.

  5. Youll win again for sure… Haters can hate all they want but this is by far the best anime blog around for many reasons, even though I dont like it as much as I used to

    For starters you cover a huge amount of content, especially now with the Kaleidoscope thing, and your posts are always up to date…

    The other thing is youre about the only person around who has good taste and values mature animes over crap ecchi… Every other blog seems to just focus on shit with the most panty shots, its pathetic

    So yeah, good to see you owning the competition as usual

  6. I’ll be pretty surprised if you don’t win this group round.
    The sheer amount of anime you cover is amazing.

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