What movie would be a better a better choice after Unico than Vampire Hunter D – Bloodlust? ^^; Anyway, the sequel of the movie Vampire Hunter D, produced sixteen years after the original, is indeed much better than the first one. The graphics look a lot better, and especially the music took a turn for the better, delivering a soundtrack that may not contain some of the best tunes ever, but succeeds in producing an effective atmosphere to capture the viewer.
But what about the story? Well, there’s one added element that convinced me that Bloodlust is superior to its predecessor: the romance. Not with D, but the affair the main antagonist has been having. The relationship between him and his loved one, combined with the fact that the vampires are a dying race definitely made the movie worth watching.
I wish I could say the same about the action, though. It takes up most of the airtime, and even though the amount of blatant Deus ex Machina has been reduced to only one, it’s just too unimpressive. The fights suffer especially because of their predictability. You’ll be able to easily to predict who’ll survive in the end, after only one tenth of the airtime, and the action itself isn’t really that good for a movie.
Especially the side-characters, Layla’s henchmen, are a major problem in this movie. They’re just there to fill time. We never get to see their intentions, background or anything. We never see how they got together, and they get killed as easily as two donuts in a police-station. The main characters may have been interesting to watch, all gets ruined when the movie starts focusing on the obnoxious side-characters again. The minor antagonists aren’t exactly gripping either.
Still, this movie is a nice enough watch, though there are better choices. The first half disappointed a bit, though things got better in the second half, when the major characters got some development. The ending is a bit cheesy, though you wouldn’t expect anything else, considering the predictability. I found the last line of the movie to be really amusing, though. :P]]>