Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 20

Holy crap! I’m impressed here. This could pretty much be the best episode of Uragiri so far. It’s really amazing how this episode stood out when it mostly involved characters we only really got to know one episode ago.

When Yuki ran off for Luka I expected another silly conflict. But instead this episode just kept building up its tension more and more. Every time at which I thought that the episode hit its climax, it just went even further. The build-up here was absolutely terrific, there was no minute wasted. The episode started out really quiet with actually some really effective piano music. After that point, there was hardly any break to allow the viewer to catch a bit of breath.

Looking back, the point at which Kuroto told Senshiro to quit was really powerful. After four years of hardships. This choice between protecting someone or protecting yourself from getting involved is nothing new in anime, but because it’s such a major theme in this series it’s really working here. I mean, half the cast in this series is struggling with that exact question, but all under different circumstances.

Also, during the second half, I really like how the creators subverted the “sudden save”-cliche. I’ve seen so many of those scenes in which characters are driven to the brink of defeat, only for someone who was looking for them to arrive at the exact right time. The second half of this episode had three or four of those moments, and yet Luka arrived too late to do anything here. Every time, the save was made by either Yuki, Kuroto, Senshiro or Reiga; all of which were fairly believable. Reiga’s appearance at the end. He may have just been sitting in the shadows. Really: what were his intentions back then? Doesn’t he want Yuki to die or something?
Rating: *** (Awesome)

7 thoughts on “Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 20

  1. Admittedly, this show has started to grow on me a bit. Though this is the first that episode I enjoyed in a while (the previous 4 or 5 have been extremely slow). XD I’m glad Yuki used his powers here instead of just getting saved by somebody as well.

  2. Wonderful episode. Emotions were really charged, and the threat of the General Class was really interesting. Reiga showing up was also a surprise.

    Oh, and the music during the Holy Wall scene was stunning.

  3. I LOVED this episode!
    It was so intense I didn’t even realize how time flew by until the ending theme started to play (which felt even more out of place after such a scene than in the other episodes…)

  4. Finally! A decent villain! I was getting sick of all the wine glass dropping, blue flower crushing, goth loli outfit wearing, lips-licking of late from the dark side; in contrast, Cadenza was awesomely badass. As opposed to just an ass. Looking forward to seeing how Reiga is developed, and the effect on Yuki and co (not least of all poor Takashiro, just what is up with all that torturous rolling around on the floor?! Yeeugh!), in the next episodes.

  5. Really glad to see this series reach to this point! This ep prove this series itself in many thing.Like how good that character in this series turn to be.How awesome of soundtrack.And how good of the script that can subvert some shonen cliche at once and can make some of terrific atmosphere that make me into!

    Glad that I decided to marathoned this.

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