Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 09

Ooh, what a surprise: this episode was actually quite good again. I didn’t expect this show to pick itself back up after those… rather lackluster previous two episodes, but this episode returned to the parts that made this series good. It was very angsty, but at the same time it allowed Hotsuma to develop quite a bit. We finally get to know him, which is a very good thing to see.

Before this series started I was hoping for it to be something like the next Night Head Genesis. Okay, so in the end it didn’t. It’s got far less interesting ideas, while Uragiri doesn’t really offer anything in terms of its plot. Nevertheless though, the characters do have their charms. The creators know how to develop their characters and they do that very nicely, being just subtle enough to prevent the angst from going out of control *(especially the end of this episode was quite emotionally gripping), plus the pretty good soundtrack are enough to keep me interested for now.

The only thing of note here is how the creators decided to show Hotsuma’s and Shusei’s background. It’s in the same way as Yuki’s background. We don’t get an entire background arc that outlines the lives that the characters used to live. Instead, it’s brought in a bit of a memory-fashion: we get to see the key points in their past, without really learning what kind of children they were. Doing such a thing is risky, but it works surprisingly well for them.
Rating: * (Good)

2 thoughts on “Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 09

  1. hello…
    nice to meet you…^^

    i’m a fans of uraboku and i want to ask you where i can watch anime uraboku eps. 9???

    when watch in… i forget the website, the story is same with uraboku eps. 8… T.T

    please help me… thx. ^^

    *replay as soon as posible*

  2. Man, this whole “We all know about the oh so sad and bad past, but we won’t tell you because it wouldhurt oh so much” is kinda annoying me…

    But argh.. I so hope that Shusei will be safe and that he will get back to Hotsuma!
    I mean… they can’t just introduce those two so nicely and heartwarming, just to let Shusei now disappear for good, can they?!
    Those two were the first really likable characters as they seem to watch this whole thing a bit differentiated… so please, dear anime creators (and manga maybe as well?) please don’t destroy their happiness! >_

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