Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 07

“Muahahaha, I am the bad guy of this series, and I shall demonstrate this by dropping random glasses full of wine on the ground. Now that should keep those cleaners busy for a couple of minutes!”

It’s things like this that make it hard again for me to take this series seriously.

This series overall is a very mixed bag, and especially this episode showed it. I like some things about it quite a bit, while others still need a lot of work. Yuki? I like the kid, he’s interesting and compelling to watch. I also like Takashiro, Touko and Tsukumo, they’re interesting side-characters and I like how they show that they care about Yuki and feel guilty about the things they’re going to do to him, yet remain down to earth about it. Zess on the other hand… nah. This guy should get a life.

And then this episode comes and introduces a whole bunch of new characters, nearly all of them stereotypes. The worst of them was of course that bad guy (seriously, wtf), but the others also felt like cheap cliches. Here’s a washing-list of all the newly introduced characters:
– Twin bad guy henchmen who are eager to do bad stuff.
– Bad guy henchgirl who is also eager to do bad stuff.
– Zess’ freaking animal mascot (or ‘familiar’ as he calls it).
– The shy maid.
– The eccentric doctor.
– The energetic and harassing old guy (read: between 25 and 30 years old) with a hat that I reckon was meant to be stylish.

I mean, come on! Can you introduce any more cliches in just one episode? The worst thing here is that just none of them tried to set itself apart from its stereotypes, this was just overkill. A bit of development is probably able to save a few of them, but the cast of this show is already getting alarmingly huge. I’m especially worried about that bad guy.

I guess that the creators wanted to have a cast of interesting characters besides the lead ones. The problem is that they really should have spent more time into that. I’m not sure whether this comes from the anime or manga staff, but my guess is that most of the blame falls to the latter. This clearly was meant to be an arc to introduce the side-cast, but these are way too many cliches to just screw up. The anime staff is of course at fault too: they could have easily brought a bit of character into these guys.

A good example of this is Zombie Loan: it’s basically built around the same premise: a lead character meets a group of interesting zombie-hunters. While Zombie Loan was way too goddamn short, it did one thing right: the characterization. All of the side-characters were interesting to watch, and they all had interesting and charismatic personalities that kept you interested. Here, these side-characters couldn’t even charisma themselves out of a paper bucket.
Rating: – (Disappointing)

7 thoughts on “Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 07

  1. I totally agree with you here. This series was just being decent enough to watch, but this episode was the worst of them all. The comedy was also boring, and the characters had predictable reactions to everything. It also appears that the villains won’t be a strong point by the looks of it so far. =/ We’ll see how the next episode goes..

  2. Yep all of this BS is straight from the manga. Thankfully almost every new character introduced in this episode turns out to be insignificant/rarely pops up after this.

  3. Oh wow Psgels, I haven’t seen a negative ranting before so this is quite a surprise. Well, this post just made me believe I should strongly not watch anything past the second episode.

    On the side note, I always thought shoujo was a better and more pleasant reading experience compared to watching an shoujo anime.

  4. Yes, those characters are straight from the manga, but the anime made quite a number of changes on how events happened (like the villains aren’t supposed to show up yet =_=). And how could the anime not feature that cook being abused! It was so cute! Waah >_

  5. Ack, just noticed that this was cut too: The manga counterpart of this scene was more entertaining. It was supposed to be a fun episode but the anime just wanted to squeeze in some serious bzns. Guh.
    I wish the anime staff won’t do worse on the next episode.

  6. While I agree to everything you say about the cliched characters and the “I’m a villain mwahahahaha” comment, I don’t particularly see anything bad about Sodom… In fact, I find it rather cute. 🙂

  7. This anime is crap compared to NIGHT HEAD GENESIS… in this anime, u really feel the GAYNESS…which SERIOUSLY bothers me…

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