Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 04

Well, that’s it for the introduction, after this the show will start for real. We can only hope that it’s going to be as good as these first four episodes. Episode four wasn’t the best, and it pretty much concluded the introduction like we thought it would, but the atmosphere still was more than good enough to watch.

It was a bit of a stretch that Yuki didn’t bother to clean his face of all the blood on it, before going to the children though. Heck, I’d be freaked out as a kid when seeing such a thing, but it was a nice twist though. The acting was a bit too over the top here, but it’s nothing major yet. There’s also that part in which the characters were bickering and the lead character suddenly stared a weird laugh (seriously, characters in anime laugh really weird…), which gave me serious deja vus. How many times has that exact same scenario been used in anime by now?

But I digress, with this episode the lead character showed that he’s no wimp at all. He knows what he wants and stands for his own choices and morals. The big difference between him and your average shounen lead who jumps into everything is that he knows what’s best for a situation. He strikes me as open-minded, rather than the simple minded idiots that you see in those tons of generic shounen anime. So far, he could have been more balanced between his angsty phases and his more mature side, but it shouldn’t be a problem if the rest of the series makes up for it.

My big concern now is the villains. Please let us get to know these people, and don’t make them into these average incompetent idiots who take bloody ages in getting their job done.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

One thought on “Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru – 04

  1. I’m still sticking with this series, but I have to admit I’m a little annoyed that out of 12 planned episodes they have spent 4 on a WAY over-extended introduction. The entire plot up to this point could have easily been told in 2 episodes, 3 TOPS.

    My two favorite characters haven’t even appeared yet and I fear that by the time they do, the series will be almost over. ::pout:: Oh well yay for bishounen and pretty art.

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