This show is clever. Every single episode contains a single story, but the first episodes of all the multi-episode arcs all contain these slight hints that things aren’t over with. This episode was the same: it already was a great standalone story, and yet there still are a few things that don’t add up.
Of course there was the obvious end of the episode, in which what feels like the main antagonist made his formal introduction, but also: why was the critic of this episode in jail? Why did Kaishou not reveal that he had this guy’s children taken away from their mother? Why did this guy refuse to ask Kaishou about what was up with the books? There is still a whole storyline here that has yet been explored, even though the end of this episode made it seem like the end of the story was reached.
In any case, this episode once again was just wonderfully written. Once again, this show just comes with twist after twist after twist, and things that seem completely random at first make complete sense once everything is revealed. Beyond that, in order to make up for the way in which this series doesn’t have time to carefully flesh out its characters, it does make the cast fun. This episode inserted these small jokes at the points where they didn’t get in the way of the real storytelling, and especially the android has helped here. This leads to quite an interesting chemistry between the characters.
Heck, I’ll be surprised if this show doesn’t end up as the best Bones show of the year.
Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>
there is obviously something else going on, as yajima was put in jail by kaishou himself, or at least his organization. But he didnt reveal that the kids had been taken away becuase it would reveal that kaishou had an affair with his freinds wife…basically kaishou would have let yajima think his kids were dead forever to cover up the affair.
. . . .Kaishou probably had to release them or shinjirou would have found out a lot more than he is supposed to at this point in the series.
I love how different this episode was from the others! there was no Inga transformation and Shinjurou didnt even solve everything himself but the mystery was still fascinating like always.
But I dont know if they will actually continue this storyline. It forsure wont be next week judging by the preview, but maybe another episode will give us those answers. Unless they just want us to not know exactly what was going on.
I enjoyed how this episode paced itself. It has a completely different mood from the rest before it and the script was just fabulous. Great work from Bones.
This was just so good. So many little things hinted at and left open to interpretation, all without feeling cheap or a cop-out.
Such an ominous ending, too: so the point of being a criminal is to get away with the crime, and the point of a detective is to reveal who did what. Up until now Shinjuro has, after all, only been reacting to events post-facto; will he be able to stop the novelist proactively?
Better – this ep hinted that the shijuro+inga relationship is not the only one.
I wouldn’t say this is a anime on character development – more character ‘revealing’. We slowly learn about the characters, as opposed to them developing as the story progresses.
I’m loving it.
Ahhhh, I should have been expecting the twist after the twist!
Excellent! I loved that the idea of a mastermind manipulating events by being able to predict how the characters would react!
Kaishou seems to know something by the way he made shijuro face the possible consequences of his quest for the truth. However there is no reason why he didn’t reveal it to the husband earlier? As he was happy to reveal it later, and really would have had to at some point? I hope that this gets explained.
Did Kaishou have an affair with the man’s wife? is that made explicit?
kero: there’s more to the story for sure, if I remember everything right.
Rinroku’s car went to the house many times over the past year. The husband said the kids disappeared about a year ago. The maid says she went to that house to deliver toys to the kids several times over the past year.
I don’t think there’s a reasonable way to square all 3 of those statements; something has to give.
I kept thinking something was up with the Maid
Maybe Maid x Kaishou
Maybe on of the twists will reveal that Kaishou has a sekrit harem:
Cop (?) Lady
Friend’s Wife
the AI doll…
I’m joking but, I do think it’s plausible. Power and sex and all that..
Well the messages were the kids writing to each other since the mom was going insane and they wanted to hide from her where they were playing.
Was their an affair?, I thought it was clear that there was no affair, He was there to watch over his friends kids while he was in jail.
What didn’t make sense to me was why he was not told the kids were safe, no word for a whole year? That makes no sense to me. Something must be up with that.
Just my take on it. I could be wrong.
This has to be my favourite UnGo episode since the first one! The pacing was just right and I’m liking the characters more and more with each episode. The android is cute and useful without being annoying. Even the female (can we say lead?), Kaishou’s daughter is not an idiot and I like how they make her question her father’s motives and ways. I found the scene were the prisoner was going to strangle his wife very powerful. I fear that next episode might be a let down since it the preview make it look like just another random case…I can’T wait to see what they do with it!