Uchuu Kyoudai – 20

So, we’ve finally arrived at the big day: where of each team two people have to be chosen, supposedly to become an astronaut, even though many people have already figured out that JAXA will make its choice, regardless of who gets selected. That will be the real climax of this arc. In the meantime, this episode was all about convincing those who didn’t figure this out yet. In particular, Yasushi.

If you’d just randomly watch this episode, then its effect will probably be completely lost on you. However, after following these people for so long and seeing them get fleshed out so brilliantly with all kinds of things they went through, this is just the episode in which everything together. It was so heart-warming when Mutta finally came with the idea to just use Rock Paper Scissors. The Udon actually was the perfect build-up for that.

It’s also awesome to see how little drama there has been: any incident has been solved so incredibly quickly in Group A. And to illustrate that even further is the sharp contrast that this has with Group B, in which the mood is completely tense. It just shows how one person can have such an impact on the overall mood. This episode showed absolutely nothing of how they ended up selecting their two people.

Of the past arc, there is one thing I do regret not having seen: Group C. They pretty much disappeared after the time assignment on the first day (of which they were the only ones who got it wrong). However, I know this series by now. They’re holding something back. They’re saving Group C for an appropriate moment, I’m sure of it.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

16 thoughts on “Uchuu Kyoudai – 20

  1. This arc has been the best of Space Bros so far so it’s a little sad to seei it go away. Let’s hope the next one is just as good and that the series is more than 2-cours long.

  2. JAXA, if I recall, explicitly stated that they would pick the astronauts they wanted. Some of them merely think that their selection holds any importance, that it is in addition to JAXA’s selection, although it was never said that their choice held any importance, not even by JAXA at the time (thought might be lost in translation). So I like Nanba’s idea of rock-paper-scissor. If I was in their situation and had to pick my project members, having several I want to work with but being forced to pick a few… well, it does seem fair. Maybe cowardice on my part that I would rather not make the decision.

    So I can understand their situation, even if who they select does not hold the importance they think it does it is still an important choice: who they pick and why, their discussion and reasons, will be important.

    Overall, very nice episode.

  3. I am happy to see it ending. For me it was 1 or 2 episodes too long but we are over now with it and I hope we will get some good space training to see.
    I think the selection will make an impact. If the anouncment really stated JAXA will choose there own candidates there would not have been such a fuss over it. As far as I understood, it was said the possibility of selecting a candidate by JAXA. As long as nobody who completely failed in JAXA’s view (like mental issues)is voted, they will not overrule the decision.
    Maybe they have one or two top candidates which will be selected unrelated to the vote but still the chances are better if you are voted by the team member regarding to work with each other in the future.
    But I might be wrong because the people acted really silly in the broken clock incident and misunderstood also the announcement about the selecting procedure.

    I am really curious about the fact that JAXA knows about the feelings of Muta. I think a relationship between crew members is not really welcome.

    1. Do you recall what Purple said about the voting, about how you can cheat by vote on someone least likely to win – causing your chances to go up.

      Let’s say there are 5 members: A, B, C, D, E. A is better than B, B is better than C, etc. A > B > C > D > E.

      Now, if C wants to maximize his chances of going into space, there would be no reason for him to vote on A or B. If C vote on D or E, it would improve his chances of going into space. Now, if all people reason in the same way, it would rather select the least likely candidate rather than the best candidate. Since it has already been established that all groups, at least A and B, are fairly intelligent – as evidenced by the math-run tests, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise if all of them are aware of this.

      Now, taking all of this into consideration, do you really think it would be rational of JAXA to not consider this? In the case of group A, it would be furthermore silly to accept the selectees, since they use rock-paper-scissor.

      I would say that the reasoning behind their selection may have an impact, but overall I would probably say that this is merely another one of the evaluation tools. This test was all about psychology and enduring long-term stress, seeing how they handle with stress, and how they work together as a team.

  4. “However, I know this series by now. They’re holding something back. They’re saving Group C for an appropriate moment, I’m sure of it.”

    Or they’re just insignificant to the plot.

  5. Of all the things i’m curious about the one that is making me wonder the most is the reason why they will choose Yurica. I mean the anime gave a bunch of reasons of why Mutta should be choosen, but in this test Yurica did nothing outstanding. Maybe they will choose her because of the first tests where she was at the top by far and the fact she didn’t screw up on this one. Anyway I’m really curious about how the show will tackle this.

        1. If anyone else got curious Yurica is some girl from an anime called Martian Sucessor Nadesico. Humm, maybe its the universe giving me a hint to watch it 😉

    1. Well, they did almost use her letter of protest. But other than that, maybe it’s enough right now that she can be a great team player….when it doesn’t concern food. =P I’m more curious about Mr. Purple. We don’t know anything about his personal life or past yet. Same goes for Mr. Blame in the other group. Sorry, I’m even worse at remembering names… *sigh*

    2. For people questioning Serika, well, one of the most important things in long-term missions is psychology and teamwork, being able to not only endure the isolation but to prosper in it, adapting to it. Not gritting your teeth and think “One more day, then it is just 629 more days remaining”, ’cause that is a poor way to deal with long term stress. I would say that group A completed this test marvelously. Intelligence is important, sure, but they really don’t need genius-level IQ for the tasks required – they are all evidently fairly intelligent as evidenced by the math-run tests. They simply need enough intelligence to handle any tasks with easy and proficiency, as-well as doing repairs and improvise in case things go south.

      Likewise they don’t need an extreme athletic ability, rather they need individuals with the discipline and routine to keep their body in shape – even if they only weigh 1/6th of their ordinary weight as on the moon, or none at all if they are in transit.

      So this test, this isolation, wasn’t about intelligence or physique, they have already verified that all members are above that level, this was about long-term psychology and teamwork. Did Serika do fine? Yes, she did. Even Monkey did fine. Sure, he speaks his mind a lot, but did he get stressed out by all of it? No, he adapted to the new situation. Evidently group A not only has endured the isolation, they actually feel that they want to go to space together – every once in a while they alleviate the stress, as a team. Which honestly was all this test was about.

      I really like this arc. ^^

      1. I totally agree with you Lex, every single person in group A would be able to carry the job and thats where my curiosity comes from: If everyone of them is good enough, why Serika is better? Off course theres the letter thing that Meep brought up, but is it enough? Doesn’t the food thing counterbalance it?

        So yeah I’m totally at the edge to know how the creator will make Jaxa’s choice make sense.

        1. Yes, I am also curious. Now that it has been established that most of group A (though I am a bit uncertain of Purple) has the psychology to prosper on a long-term mission, I do wonder what will single out the winners.

          The first person to go into space is… more important, Hibito has to have charisma and ability to represent his country. Serika seems fairly well-spoken, so I don’t think she is a bad choice in this regard. Mutta, apart from his insecurity in public speaking, also has an ability to encourage people and make them imagine space.

          I still think it will become some sort of emergency in the last mission. After all, I recall them saying “Remember as much as possible” before they entered the capsule, the capsule also seems to be also airtight.

  6. By the way Psgels, I totally agree with your statement: “If you’d just randomly watch this episode, then its effect will probably be completely lost on you.” Case in point with my friend who wasn’t patient enough to start this series from the beginning. He saw episode 1, 10-15, and then 20. Although he enjoyed it, I could tell that he wasn’t really feeling the characters or understood how well everything tied up in the end. He was just glad that he didn’t watch all the previous episodes because he gets the gist of the story from what he has seen. But he’s actually missing out on the most special thing about it… D:

    I also wonder what’s up with Group C… But anyway, I looked ahead at the most recent manga covers, where Mutta is surrounded by new characters that look even more interesting. I can’t wait to see who he is destined to meet next. xD

  7. This episode is really bad as far as pacing goes. I like the show for the most part, but 6 minutes including the 1.5 minute OP is too long to get to any new material. Episode 20 is not deserving of 5.5/8 imo for this reason.

  8. A little bit too much of the recapping, but I thought it was really heart warming in the end, especially with Ya-san revealing he was last and getting emotional about it.

    Nobody is a bad guy! At least on the A-Team.

    Really dislike the guy Makabe got stuck with though.

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