Uchuu Kyoudai – 07

Hey everyone, I’m back. Paris was awesome.

Speaking of awesome: what an episode. There have been series that combine comedy and drama. This episode however was one of the best attempts at that in a long while. It combined the two seamlessly, and there were many scenes in which I was laughing and feeling sorry for Mutta, at the same time. This episode continued to add even more to his character, and his ability to follow many things at the same time was a hilarious yet wonderful side of him that we finally get to see.

The fire extinguisher plot thread was ridiculous, band yet it fitted so well. You’d have to be fantastically lucky to be in Mutta’s position in this episode, but after all of the build-up with that silly article about the fire extinguisher burglar, you’d almost have to include it somehow. This could have been incredibly corny, but the build-up for it was just perfect.

And in this episode, we also got the first look into Hibito’s head. It’s because of this that we got to see new sides of Mutta: the way Hibito sees him is completely different from how Mutta sees himself, especially when Hibito evolved into this neutral character, compared to Mutta’s over the top personality. Once again the portrayal of these two is amazing, and you really feel like they’ve known each other for ages. Despite that though, I feel like this episode only cracked the surface of Hibito’s thoughts: we only got to see inside his mind for a small part at the start of this episode. After that this episode went back to Mutta again. Really, this series is masterful at keeping you hungry: it knows just how long it should stall for something, and when it should deliver.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

4 thoughts on “Uchuu Kyoudai – 07

  1. I guess Mutta kick the fire extinguisher butt, and for once Mutta’s violence serves him right! I guess that Mutta is problably the fastest person to respond to everything and I hope to see him been tested in that matter!

  2. Even though they didn’t stay in Hibito’s head, that little bit really made later scenes more meaningful as we could finally guess what he was thinking.

  3. Great cliffhanger (even though we can probably guess what’s coming)! I agree that it was good to finally get a glimpse into Hibito’s head. Mutta is still one of my favorite characters of Spring Season and he was pretty hilarious this episode!

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