Tytania – 20

Short Synopsis: The plan to bust Fan out of prison begins.
Episode Rating: 8/10 (Excellent)
Ah, so no Uranibolg this time, but instead this episode focuses on the Fan vs Zalish storyline. The plan wasn’t the most flawless one, but it definitely had enough interesting points. I personally didn’t like how the long-haired guy whose name I forgot at the moment suddenly turned out to have huge 1337-hax0rs skill that were even capable to hack into a prison, but at the same time this again shows how incredibly bad the security of Tytania is: it’s been so long that they ran into someone with the capabilities to challenge them, so when someone skilled does try to hack their facilities they hardly have any countermeasures installed. The prisons as well: they work because everyone’s scared of Tytania, but in the meantime we see Tom and Dick who have been able to fool the system by making it believe that they are too weak for the gravity system.

In the meantime, the upper governments are also screwed up. Because Estrad was so far removed from the centre of Tytania, they never had much problems with them: it was a small planet in which hardly anything happened, so they usually had nothing to fear from Tytania and just lived their ordinary lives without much conflict. That’s why the president was cocky enough to simply deny Fan Hulic to Zalish, resulting in his entire capital blasted to the ground at the end of the episode.

What’s also good is that this episode showed that Fan’s allies can also accomplish their tasks without the help of Fan: it shows that they’re all a bunch of reliable people, rather than a bunch of people who follow Fan’s orders and hardly do anything for themselves. With six episodes left, the finale is about to begin now. I’m curious to see whether the creators can pull this one off.

One thought on “Tytania – 20

  1. Yeah, Dr. Lee’s ability to hack the prison was rather convenient, and so are the two big guys who so conveniently used to work for the big princess.

    I loved how Zalish blasted the area around the presidential palace at the end. Serves the guy right lol.

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