Tytania – 14

Short Synopsis: Zalish’s mother goes crazy, Fan meets an old acquaintance again and the Estrads carry out their plans.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10 (Awesome)
I’m beginning to see what made Legend of Galactic Heroes such a loved anime. These creators are just really good storytellers. They know exactly when and what to build up, and from there they proceed and make everything snowball out of control. What simply started as an innocent plan of Alses to get his hands on Fan is escalating into chaos, which lead to the death of two people, and the arrest of countless, and there doesn’t seem to be an end to the bloodbath yet.

When this series started, I found all the tactical planning pretty lame and dull, but thankfully they were only building up for their second half. There was plenty of juicy character-development in this episode. The always so composed Zalish is starting to crack under the pressure of his brother’s death and his mother’s rages. Jouslan meanwhile shows his true colours: he didn’t simply lack ambition like I originally thought, but he’s much more someone who waits for the right moment in order to for a complete and utter checkmate. He resembles Idris in a way, with the only difference that his patience lasts longer than that of Idris. ^^;

Still, this episode did remove quite a few actors from the main stage when the entire Estrade family and their allies gets rounded up like it’s nothing. I really thought that they’d last longer than that. But at the same time, it’s about time for the creators to reveal the purpose of a certain princess. I mean, she can’t do nothing for much longer, can she?

4 thoughts on “Tytania – 14

  1. But at the same time, it’s about time for the creators to reveal the purpose of a certain princess. I mean, she can’t do nothing for much longer, can she?

    Course she can silly! She can drink tea, tend to flowers, and act like an air head all for the sake of taking up some seconds or minutes of air time 😀

  2. Did Jouslain just own everyone in this episode? I guess there’s more to him than sitting around and being nice. Looks like Zalish might be in trouble though after biting on the rumours.

  3. When I first saw the screen shots for this anime, I thought it was going to be real boring, but it’s like an anime chess board. Very interesting.

    I knew there would be more to Duke Jouslain when in the first or second episode he was the only one who stayed with the head of the clan to watch the entire battle between Fan Hyulick and Duke Ariabart Tytania. It will be very interesting to see what role he will play as this drama continues.

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