Tytania – 09

Short Synopsis: Lydia goes on an adventure inside the Tytania Headquarters.
Highlights: Ajman… what the…?
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
Well, that was solved surprisingly easy, although Lydia now is officially inside Tytania. This was a very strange episode overall, especially for this series. You just wouldn’t expect the creators to just dedicate one entire episode to the escapades of a spoiled little girl. It did serve its purpose, though. The slow pacing of the series is finally beginning to pay off, and I’m beginning to warm up to the characters. It’s at least good that the characters are getting multi-dimensional and away from the stereotypes before the real action can start.

But really… Ajman was portrayed in a very disturbing way in this episode. He’s probably the most stereotypical member of the cast, but this episode portrayed him as some sort of obsessive old guy who has too much free time and likes to stalk little girls. Wtf?!

Oh, and it also seems that Lyra is about to return to the series again, and I really hope that she’s going to make a more positive impact than her first appearance. Ah well, at least I’m glad that the creators didn’t try to put in some silly love triangle or something.

There’s one thing I’m wondering, though. Is 26 episodes really the right amount of episodes for a series such as this one? I’ve read somewhere that Tytania is smaller than LoGH, but with this pace the second half is going to have to try and cram in a lot of development in order to put in a satisfying story. I think that 39 episodes for this series would have fit a series of this calibre better. Politics and short series never went together well.

5 thoughts on “Tytania – 09

  1. Well, the LoGH novel is ten volumes long (and was adapted into 110 episodes), while Tytania is only 3… but Tytania is, afaik, still unfinished, so I suppose the anime will have to come up with its own ending. But 26 episodes still sounds pretty short.

  2. I loved this episode. As you say, the slow pace is beginning to work. The characters are coming front and centre. The “spoiled little girl” is a brave and responsible princess, who is on her way to becoming the queen of the universe. I gained great respect both for her and for Jouslain in this ep. To see Jouslain beginning to convert his enemy, the young adjutant, was something to behold.

  3. You remind me of a scorned woman the way you throw jabs at certain shows because you got burned by them.

    And don’t be so sure “Green”, Lyra could be getting Towards the Terra treamtent and getting some drastic rewrites… cuz the novels are like unfinished…

  4. Haven’t seen this episode, but the summary seems interesting. As for the series length, perhaps we might get another season? I have no real reason to expect it, but there’s always hope.

    I hope Green didn’t spoil anything, since this is one of those series in which I don’t really want to read big spoilers (much less about character deaths) this early.

    Don’t know if psgels minds, but some of his other readers might share my feelings (for once!).

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