Tytania – 07

Short Synopsis: Fan Hulic and Miranda stop by another group of rebels opposing Tytania.
Highlights: That battle was more like it
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
When this episode promised to shift the focus back to Fan Hulic&co, I feared for a bit, but to my surprise it ended up pretty good. There was no Lyra, and the whole episode continued to contribute to the much-needed depth of the pirates. All in al, an episode well spent. Just as I hoped, the setting is slowly taking shape in this series, promising some good stuff for the future of this series.

In this episode, the rebels manage to destroy one of the many fortresses of Tytania. They’re of course very happy about what they’ve achieved, but something tells e that Tytana isn’t just going to sit and let the rebels do their thing. The leader of the rebels especially seems to be a bit too confident, so I don’t think he really thought of some sort of back-up plan in case things get screwed.

I also liked that it’s immediately clear what repercussions Tyrandia’s demise had: prises have suddenly risen, poverty increased, people started stealing and looting. So yeah, the guys from Tytania really are a bunch of bastards, even though apart from Idris, they aren’t portrayed as such. Speaking of which, this episode finally shows him not having his way, which I appreciate. I think he’s trying to get in Ariabart’s way out of a strange kind of rivalry.

One thing I’m missing in this series is character background, though. It may be that this has been subtly mentioned here and there and I didn’t pick that up because I’m watching raw, but there’s hardly anything known about the different characters’ pasts, which is a shame since we’re dealing with a cast full of adults. I mean, everyone has to have his or her own story, but so far we don’t get to see anything of that.

2 thoughts on “Tytania – 07

  1. Can I just recommend Legends of the Galactic heroes as a superior ‘classic’ anime in this genre? Superb complexity and characterization, married to galaxy-spanning plots and backgrounds.

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