Tytania – 06

Short Synopsis: Turandia is screwed, since they practically declared war against Tytania in the previous episode.
Highlights: The very first space-battle in five episodes… was rather underwhelming…
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10 (Enjoyable)
I’m really getting curious about the second half of this series. I mean, so far the series has been much brighter than I originally suspected when I watched the first episodes, so what will this series be like once it really gets fired off? The fact remains that the director and original writer once came up with Legend of Galactic Heroes, so they should be able to deliver something worthwhile. But then again, Ryoko’s Case Files was also written by the writer of LOGH, and I dropped that one after only two episodes…

In any case, this episode was solid, nothing more, nothing less. Idris gets a sneaky plan to have Ariabart fight again against Turandia, because a loss would mean a definite degradation of his, and one less annoyance to be bothered about. Ariabart, however, blows the enemy forces away with a very simple tactic. The battle really was the least interesting part of this episode. I mean, it was over before you knew it. In fact, it’s hard to call it a fight, and it just felt like another political action that happened to involve a bunch of spaceships.

In any case, Tytania is one of the few series this Autumn season that I’m watching and not yet sold on in some way or another, but that was sort-of to be expected. With all the build-up that’s required for the setting, I’m not going to expect anything amazing for this series during its first half. What it needs to pay attention to is just flesh out the setting and characters, so that it can have a second half that makes up for the first half.

6 thoughts on “Tytania – 06

  1. Just a note: the anime ‘Ryouko’s Case Files’ was only based on the novel series by Tanaka Yoshiki (the guy who wrote LoGH). It’s basically a series of original stories not written by Tanaka.

    Aah, I wish I had time to watch anime… I only decided to watch three shows this season and even so I’m so behind with all three.

  2. You should have read other’s reviews of “Legend of the Galactic Heroes”. Then you’d knew that the first two episodes of it were rather bad, especially as an introduction because it starts in the middle of some huge battle throwing far too many undigestible information at the viewer. It only gets really interesting with episode three and from there it is rather addictive. I don’t know why you’re skipping over all the unrefuted gems and drop them after 2-3 episodes despite watching garbage all the way through.

    LoGH is far too serious and intelligent to be an anime original. I wouldn’t be surprised if the novel is even better. I don’t think there’s any anime remotely up to par with it or even in the same genre.

    What’s also interesting is that LoGH stays true to its animation and art style for all 110 episodes despite being produced over the timespan of 10 years.

  3. Could you give a few examples of those unrefuted gems I skipped over? I admit that I’m sometimes a bit too easy in dropping series.

    Also, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to finish watching this series. My problem with the series basically is that I’m just a bit too impatient. Two dull first episodes are understandable, but six dull episodes are starting to bug my patience.

  4. Well, I added a list of my favourites with commentary to the top 10 thread. If you don’t see it after 6 episodes, you might be looking in the wrong place. Even the best wine doesn’t make good beer.

  5. Ah, I see. Don’t worry, most of the shows you listed are on my to-watch list. I’m just someone who likes to safe the best for last, so I’ve got one huge list of series with potential and every time I pick the one that seems the least interesting. ^^;

    And I think that my issue is indeed that I’m expecting the wrong things about this series. I’ve read everywhere that LoGH is a truly epic series, outstanding and thought-provoking in every way, and the Tytania I’ve seen so far is something different from that. It’s going to to take a bit of effort to change that mindset a bit.

  6. I could have taken the space battle more seriously if success didn’t depend on the destruction of the ‘golden sheep’…or maybe I misread that.

    I really want to see a space battle where Tytania gets thrashed, poor Waiz!

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