Tsuritama – 06

Tsuritama’s true colours have finally come to the surface. After all of the build-up, it definitely was great for the stakes to be raised, things to change, and that legendary water dragon to come into play. And I love the way in which it did so.

The big reason why I was a bit apprehensive about Tsuritama’s direction was balance. Putting a lot of time into build-up is nice. However when you don’t get to the point that you’re actually building up to then all that buildup is for naught. This episode showed that the creators definitely have things in store for the second half. The question is how far they’re willing to go.

Nevertheless, the change felt very natural because of all of the build-up: we got to see Yuki learning to fish, the characters getting to know each other, and now that they’re sufficiently advanced they start heading into the parts of the waters that house that water dragon. The change was made even better with how that dragon also loved to use brainwashing. It’s here where the direction really shined again. The past episodes didn’t really take advantage of Kenji Nakamura’s talents as a director, but this episode really made up for that with the vibrant colours, great camera angles and creative action. The Enoshima dance indeed was wonderful.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

5 thoughts on “Tsuritama – 06

  1. Great episode! I like how it upped the stakes so dramatically and suddenly in the last few moments.

    And I like how Yuki has become less socially awkward to the extent that he was teasing Haru

  2. Yeah. The characters developed so well I’m even surprised. But I was a lot more surprised by that sudden change. Actually a few moments before that I was thinking something like “this anime is nice and creative and all, but is nothing exciting going to come out soon?” then we got this.

    I’m speechless. Definitely the best episode so far.

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