Tsuritama – 03

This episode had a lot of build-up in it, with most f it being devoted to Yuki learning how to properly cast a fishing-line in an almost shounen-like way. On top of that we get a lot of character building. This is the kind of episode of which we can only say whether it succeeded or not at the end of this series. It all depends on whether the rest of the episodes use the build-up provided in this episode well.

The key will be Yuki’s grandmother. This episode revealed that Yuki has very big psychological issues and he gets even worse when something happens to his grandmother. his episode had him sorting his thoughts out on that, but it’s not enough. And no, having his grandmother collapse for real later in the series won’t be enough either. That’s just cliched.

What I did like in this episode was the use of emotion in this episode. Especially the end of this episode where everyone was just yelling out their frustrations worked well with me. This show is well acted, and the characters are quite diverse, while having their distinct personality. The only exception to this is Haru. He’s a bit too overacted.

Also, Tapioca is a duck!? I could have sworn it was a goose.
Rating: * (Good)

7 thoughts on “Tsuritama – 03

  1. Well the training wasn’t in a “shounen way”. Shounen like would be if he got it in his second try and then the people around him would go:

    “How did he do that? In his second try? Who is that kid? I couldn’t even follow the lure with my eyes, that was so fast!”.

    But I do agree with the general rating. The show so far somehow fails to live up to its first episode. The… “freshness” is kind of gone. It’s like they used all their cool visuals in first episode and now they ran out of steam.

    Of course this could turn out to be a great series if the plot suddenly becomes more interesting and they need to do that in the next few episodes.

    1. the “freshness” still there, just….. this episode focus a bit more on the “drama” side which isn’t it strongest trait

  2. yeah have to agree that it doesn’t feel as fun as the first few episodes, maybe because i’m getting used to the visuals, and akira/yamada ? isn’t as interesting as I thought he would be. Haru is borderline annoying, although his sister is more annoying.

    Next episode needs to ramp it up a notch.

  3. If his grandmother collapses for real later in the series, that’s clichéd? I don’t get this statement. Old people get weaker, collapse and die. It’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when. I’m not saying that this will happen in this show within the 11 episodes, but this is one of the inevitable facts of life that everyone, including people like Yuki, will eventually have to deal with. It seems a pretty logical life lesson to me.

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