Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations – 03

Well, I think that with the way this has turned out, I think that there’s a good chance for more OVAs of Tsubasa Chronicle to appear. I’m not going to write a full fledged review about this series, because I feel that my own bias is just too big, especially with the second episode. In any case, this episode was pretty good, even though it was much quieter than the last one.

In the end, my big gripe with Tokyo Revelation is that a lot of the character-development really came from nowhere. In this episode, it was Sakura’s turn to change dramatically, though I feel that the creators would so have profited from another episode, to get all of the developments right. Right now, I can understand how Sakura feels that she’s been incredibly irresponsible, and that she wants to change, but this doesn’t automatically make you able to be a fearless killing-machine, like she demonstrated in this episode.

One character whose character-development did get handled perfectly was Kurogane, though, and Fye too made very interesting progressions in this episode. I was also glad to see that finally the huge plot-twists of the previous episode made sense, and how the different characters of Kamui and his brother tied in with the overall story. The background art was also as lovely as usual, so there are no complaints there either.

15 thoughts on “Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations – 03

  1. I dont read the manga but I have been following the anime and OVA of Tsubasa. The thing that threw me off was the vampire twins. Seemed like that came out of nowhere. I’m glad that this OVA did explain somethings about Syaoran and the background to why this all happened.

  2. As much as I love my X and TB, Subaru and Kamui was there for pure fanservice. And the twin vampires wouldn’t have come as much of a shock if one was familiar with X or Tokyo Babylon and knew that Seishirou was an emotional twirp who’s obsessed with Subaru (he did mention in Outo that he’s chasing after twin vampires which caused the X and TB fans to assume right away that the vampire twins would be Subaru and Hokuto), or that if most of the X characters are present in the tower, then it’s safe to say that Subaru would be there too (and no Seishirou because that would only makes things too easy).

    The development for Sakura isn’t as extreme as it is if you keep in mind that manga wise, they just came from the world with the books and Piffle and Sakura actually did something useful in Piffle. Either way, I was quite shocked that they kept in all that violence with her in it even if they did cut out some. I guess that’s one of the perps of doing an OVA instead of showing it on TV?

  3. I lol’d at Fuuma saying “Seishirô-nii-san”.
    And I’m loling at fangirls comparing Kamui with Lelouch, saying that they friggin’ COPIED Code Geass. Um… Kamui exists since 1992 (I wasn’t even born, I think) and Lelouch is from a shitty anime for fangirls… Why is such a simple idea so hard to understand ?

    Sakura, fearless killing machine ? She was scared like hell, she just manages to find the courage to erase this fear and act for her own instead of always relying on her protectors. And I thought her development was kind of correct since I rewatched the Library arc between the two OVAs…

  4. I LOVED this OAV! Am surprised you didn’t mention Card Captor Sakura though as that’s what everyone else is talking about.

  5. I can understand Sakura. She just lost the most important person out there. That really does shake you down to the core. She probably feels that she can’t just rely on others as much. If she wants to get the clone back she has to stand on her own two feet.

    The original is in a pretty tough situation. You know everyone and half your heart was out there, but it’s not the same. An interesting talk with Mokona and Kurogane in this one.

    Anyways after this OVA things just feel so much more serious. Nothing can be the same again. They arrived as a solid group. In the process they lost the clone who gouged out Fye’s eye, Fye gets vampired, the original shows up, and Sakura continues to grow from an innocent princess into someone that will do what she has to.

    Really hope to see more OVA’s or a third season.

  6. As someone who only watched the anime Tsubasa Chronicles (I know, everyone says the manga is better) I was really surprised to see such a strong Sakura. Her wielding a gun was my favorite part ^^ I’ve come to think about her as powerless princess who everyone protects, so that was unexpected.

  7. I thought that the cardcaptor reference shows that the cardcaptor sakura world exists in the Tsubasa universe. Though, I agree, it’s still kind of random

  8. Actually, I think the only reason why the character development seems disconnected for some viewers is that this OVA does not follow the anime ending. In the manga, the arc where the anime ends was different, and that difference leads into this arc. And I think there were several insert things too that were not on the anime or on this OVA. I think that’s why some readers are a bit confused.

    Also, if you would read the manga after this arc (the Infinity arc, the Ashura-Fai arc, and then the Nihon world arc — as in Kurogane’s world), the character changes will make sense. Especially Fai and Kurogane’s relationship shift. It’s a heavy thing, especially when Kurogane sacrifices for Fai and Fai wakes up.

  9. I must say, TR got a standing ovation from me. I’ve only been watching the anime personally, and was starting to get a little bored. It’s all been pretty easy to follow (tsk to those who didn’t pick up on the twins; they were talked about in the series a few episodes prior) and I really hope to see something come after this, whether it’s supposed to or not. Sakura certainly made a nice step from ‘I think I should do something for myself sometimes’ to ‘I’m gonna do something’. Scared or no, she actually finally did something (thank you thank you).

  10. This is all very insightful and all. I had only read up to volume 9 in the book series when I started watching the anime. I agree that they were moving very slow and it never seemed to end. World after world gathering feathers. . . . They never got into the story of Syaoran’s past with fei wong reed, or what fye was hiding…they only explained kurogane close to the end and when i finally though it was getting good, they go right back where they started. . . it was very frustrating!!!

    Tokyo Revelations was awesome!! It did come to me as a surprise, however, how dark and grusome everyone became. I did have to pay a little closer attention to what was going on to prevent confusion. . . but overall it was a refreshing change from the fillers of Bee Train to actually getting to the point of the story.

    But although i love watching tsubasa. . .I’d like to see Kurogane go home, Sakura and Syaoran regain their relationship, and don’t even know what is going on with Fye. . .

  11. well the two vampires came in from tsubasa resvor chronicles… i dnt remember his name but sharron knows him from when he was little… he taught sharron how to fight… and that guy has been looking for the two vamps for a long time… and he also has one of sakuras feather that he uses to travel through worlds, but the thing thats still gets me is that… fai is suppose to have really strong magic, but he couldnt do anything to the other sharron (the hearless one)… but i still love tsubasa tho

  12. Okay. I know I’m late, but I only discovered this blog a few hours ago. XD
    The reason the manga is said to be better is because it’s the original, drawn by my all-time favorite artists in the manga scene, CLAMP. However, I did enjoy the anime up until that last arc. The last arc had potential to be bigger (non-canon, but still good), but its problem lied within the creators’ decision to end it right there. And because of that, CLAMP backed out. I have the whole conversation on CLAMP’s blog saved.
    The Cardcaptor reference, as stated by Ohkawa-sensei (and proved by recent chapters), is there as a foreshadowing for the future. Cardcaptor Sakura plays a role in the series, but fans get misleaded about that role for a long time. XD Such was Ohkawa’s plan.
    But I absolutely love Production I.G. and so, I absolutely love their character designing in the animation department. They made the characters MOVE~

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