Tsubasa Chronicle – 48 – A New Manga Arc

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Ugh… this is annoying. Almost all of the good shows I’m watching come out on Friday and Saturday, while the other days are really quiet. So, yeah. Expect me to be really prolific on some days while rather absent on other days. ^^;

Anyway, I could be wrong, but I think we’ve struck another manga-arc. And it’s a very unusual as well, as there’s a huge amount of feathers at stake. It does make sense, though. Such a large amount of feathers will probably be enough to fill a huge gap in Sakura’s memories. And if the arc takes up four or five episodes, it’s also a nice way for Sakura to start the third season with nearly all of her feathers recovered. I’m really looking out for the third season, as it will mean the conclusion of this series, and it seems that things have yet to get serious.

I’m just a bit worried about Chaos. It seems that he met Sakura when she was young. As things stand now, he’s going to become a love-rival for Syaoran. I’m so hoping that the creators will either refrain from this, or develop this relationship in an extremely good way, as there’s nothing which can ruin a relationship as much as a suddenly-introduced love rival, who never made a chance of acquiring his loved one in the first place.

Yuuko also came with an interesting message for White Day. In return for eating Watanuki’s cake for Valentine’s day, she returns some advice for both Syaoran as Fay as Kurogane. Everything in this world has a beginning and an end. A good deed will lead to a good outcome. A bad outcome will await a bad deed. Why did Kurogane and Fay look so suspicious after hearing this? This will definitely be an important message for in the future. After all, it’s got to have the same value as a nice cake.

0 thoughts on “Tsubasa Chronicle – 48 – A New Manga Arc

  1. Really? That’s something you wouldn’t expect… seeing as the huge amount of feathers at stake. Not to mention that Fei Wong’s assistant will also be coming in the future episodes, which means that also her character will be fleshed out a bit.

    Very confusing.

  2. Sadly, the anime strays from the manga from time to time, sometimes even presenting non-canon ideas into the plot (Like the filler with Fai and Chi). But we can’t blame them for trying, if they followed the plot with no breaks, they’d be well into the current manga arc right now.

  3. I believe that he knows she is the true source of the feathers and intends to pull one of those ‘make the female protagonist marry me’ stunts. It just looks that way 😡

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