Tsubasa Chronicle – 43 – Kurogane SO can’t lie

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The creators were SO incredibly mean at the end of the episode. If that doesn’t classify as playing with plot-twists, then I don’t know anymore. XD

Anyway, and so, the Lacourt-arc ends. It’s been a great arc, which gave us some god insights about Kurogane and Sakura’s past. Syaoran and Fay, on the other hand, only became more and more mysterious. This episode shows some more of Kurogane’s memory. It seems that he did something to the servants of a servant of Tomoyo, and this servant doesn’t like this and came after him. Tomoyo then stops the two, and gives Kurogane his long-awaited replica of Ginryuu, his father’s sword. In order to be able to use this sword, Kuropon had to make five vows:
1: Behave peacefully towards comrades.
2: Stop fighting on Tomoyo’s land.
3: Never forget mercy, even towards an enemy.
4: Value everybody’s life.
5: Use own strenght to protect dear ones.
I also now understand why Tomoyo sent Kurogane to Yuuko: he broke his vows. Wouldn’t that just mean that she’d take his sword as well? Ah well, that doesn’t really matter. After all, Yuuko did it for her. ^^;

It’s also so funny that Fay keeps using Kurogane, and taht Kurogane himself is SO bad at telling lies. ^^ Is it also me, or has every episode been featuring some kind of unique song?

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