Tsubasa Chronicle – 31 – So Many Wasted Opportunities

Tsubasa Chronicle seems to be reluctant to introduce new characters or something. During the entire season, all we’ve seen is either the same characters as in the first season, or copies of those characters, wearing the same soul but existing in a different world. Especially now, that it has been carried over the top, it’s beginning to bother me more and more. It’s a great concept, though the creators really need to look at series like Noein and Higurashi.

Why? Because they seem to have the strange idea that a person remains the same person, and that certain occurrences in his life don’t have any effect on this person, and he or she will just continue living on like he or she was destined to. They made a good attempt at fixing this with the magician, who appeared as a friendly captain on a ship, but he really has been the only copied character who experienced such a change. All other characters just share the same personalities, while they all have experienced different things, which turned them into the characters they are. When you see people like the king and his advisor in the desert world walking right next to each other in another world, then you could blame this on the fact that these were destined together, but what if the two grew up in an entirely different neighborhood? Then they never met each other in the first place. How would they act when a thing like that happens? And I haven’t even started about the physical appearances of the characters. Why does everyone have the same haircut, in all of his or hers different bodies with the same souls? And how about some scars that some characters might have encountered, while their counterparts have not?

This episode also showed me another flaw in this concept. Apparently, characters in different worlds with the same soul can differ from age. What we have here, is a genious concept. But why the heck is Syaoran’s father the only one whose age is different? The creators’d better have a very good reason for this, because at the moment, I’m blaming it on laziness. Another thing is: why haven’t we seen any copies of Syaoran? Or Sakura? Kurogane? Fye? The bad guys? The guys associated with Fye? Clow Reed? The creators can blame this on luck for a single season, though it’s beginning to bother me that they haven’t shown up yet.

Tsubasa Chronicle remains an entertaining anime, despite this. This is mostly because of the individual stories to be told, the great looking art (whenever it’s not suffering from low budgets) and some great characters and character interaction. Still, the fact remains that there’s extremely little time spent on the main storyline, which seems to be the most worthwile story of all. It’s great to see different worlds like that, I’m enjoying the creativity put in it, but I’d also love to see some more time being put into the main story. And I’m also hoping that this show will actually end at with the third season. Obviously, it’s been building up, though I wonder if you can build up too much.

Anyway, rants aside, the episode was an intermezzo again, in which Syaoran meets up with a child-version of his father. Despite their predictable reactions, the rest of the episode was enjoyable to watch. Especially Kurogane played a great part again. No bad guys this time, though. It seems they took a coffee break. The only thing is that the creators wasted yet another potentially good scene. The fact that Syaoran’s father isn’t really Syaoran’s father never gets questioned. I would’ve loved some interesting debates about this. After all, Syaoran is getting all hopeful on just an illusion. His father remains dead, though during the episode, he seems to have forgotten this. Is it really true that you can just replace an important person with someone from another world, who just happens to share the same soul? Then what value does this important person have? Interesting questions, which never seem to surface.

0 thoughts on “Tsubasa Chronicle – 31 – So Many Wasted Opportunities

  1. The series isn’t reluctant to introduce new characters,it just the manga who is like that,since Reservoir Chronicles is like fanservice:the most popular clamp heroes jump from universe to universe where they meet heroes from other Clamp mangas in different outfits.Hope I have helped you a little.

  2. Ah, yes. That explains a few things. Tsubasa’s logic never has been too perfect, after all. Still, it does bother me sortof, just like fanservice, I guess.

  3. I get the feeling Tsubasa does not deal with filler too well after these last few episodes. I know the show isn’t all that good, but I just really do love the epic cheese of it, especially due to Fye and Kuro.

    As for the villains, well, me and a friend have built our own mythos about them. Fei Wong is old cannot move from his chair, and has lost the remote for his TV, and so is stuck on Syaoran TV. The woman with him, on the other hand, is meant to be his caretaker, but she is rather lacklustre when it comes to her duties. For some reason, we find Fei Wong and his helper the most interesting part of the show.

  4. Regarding the :complaints: on Aquarion EVOL “sexual” lines which kliqIMB edited in: After 5mins of sainyg kliqIMB stinx, kyonyUU and I both agree that these extremely liberal edits have crossed the line, and we’ll edit them out in future episodes. We’ll do a v2 of episode 1 with a fixed filename, official lyrics, and the trolls will be removed. Also, we’re looking for J>E Translators. People interested in joining just for song translation are welcome too.

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