True Tears – 09

Seriously, this series keeps moving forward like a seismograph that’s about to detect a big earthquake: Hiromi – Noe – Hiromi – Noe – Hiromi – Noe – et cetera. One moment, you’d think that Shinichiro goes for Noe, but then another plot-twists makes his interests waver to Hiromi again. In this episode, this plot-twist is Hiromi and Noe’s brother eloping and crashing their motorbike on a slippery road afterwards.

Nobody was hurt, but the bike’s gone now, which is quite a big hit for Noe’s brother. In any case, their little adventure did make both Noe and Shinichiro incredibly worried. Because of this, Shinichiro and Hiromi forget how they avoided each other in the past, and become much closer. Noe of course doesn’t like this, but she decides to let Shinichiro go to be with Hiromi. The episode ends, however, with Noe being incredibly love-sick.

What’s also interesting is how the story that Shinichiro and Hiromi are siblings isn’t true at all. Shinichiro’s mother just made that up. I do wonder why she hated Hiromi, though. Was this because she never got asked permission for Hiromi to come and live with her, or something? The degree of realism overall was quite good in this episode, from Hiromi and Noe’s brother who drove slowly because of the frost so they didn’t end up getting hurt to the rumours that escalated on school the day afterwards and Shinichiro getting into fights because of it.

It really seems like the creators want to keep the way they want to end this series a surprise for as long as possible. At this episode, it seemed that Hiromi would be “the one” for him, but the fact does remain that Noe’s still incredibly lovesick and there are four episodes left.

9 thoughts on “True Tears – 09

  1. “Seriously, this series keeps moving forward like a seismograph that’s about to detect a big earthquake”

    nicely said

    over at m.3.3.w fansubs they say ” It feels pretty clear now who Shin will end up with at the end”
    and like you say it does feel that hiromi has the edge now,but in 4 episodes a lot can happen andthere’s still aiko,seems like the next ep will go back to her,and noe is smiling…

  2. If the story wasn’t true, why did Shin’s mother (or whoever it was) cut out the face of Hiromi’s mother from the photographs? And then set fire to them?

  3. i guess hiromi’s mom could still have had an affair with shin’s dad,without her being his daughter.
    Or it’s something else,i’m counting on the last episodes to clear that up.

  4. “Nobody was hurt, but the bike’s gone now, which is quite a big hit for Noe’s brother.” It’s funny – because Jun didn’t look bothered by the crash at all – Hiromi didn’t seem to mind either.

  5. I don’t know why but I have a feeling that it’ll end like School Days. Just imagine: Noe stabbing to death Hiromi. It’s just a lil feeling of mine that it’ll end like this. I hope not 🙂

  6. “I don’t know why but I have a feeling that it’ll end like School Days.”

    please, never put tt and sd on the same level.

  7. Just a quick insightful sentence about Shinichiro ‘s drifting back and forth from Noe to Hiromi. From a guy’s point of view, as I was watching ep 8 and 9, i felt the characters were done particularly well in that they resembled how a real guy would feel about relationships. Guys change their feelings much faster than girls, and in this case – he responded to Noe’s infatuation for him and seeing as she is quite pretty, quickly took Noe as his girlfriend. The motorbike incident was what *awakened* him to his true feelings.

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