True Tears – 04

I like how this show is progressing so far. There’s been quite a bit of drama, but it knows exactly when to lighten the mood a bit with a few good jokes, in order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming like Kannadzuki no Miko or Kyoushiro to Towa to Sora. There’s also hardly any random fluff that feels like filler, like you see in nearly every romantic comedy, and so far, the creators have really shown that they make use of every scene to build up.

The weak link for this series so far is Aiko. She really needs some background information. I want to know why she fell in love with Miyokichi in the first place, and why the heck she became so sick of him that she started going after Shinichiro. Her relationship wit the guy feels nowhere near as interesting as with Noe and Hiromi.

I really like how this series portrays the two of Noe and Hiromi against each other. This episode develops Shinichiro’s relationship with Noe into a more friendship-like one: the two of them just hang out and talk like friends. On the other side we see Shinichiro and Hiromi having both trouble to express their feelings for each other, and they both react differently for lacking the ability to do so. Now it’s going to get interesting when no-one else than Noe’s brother asks Shinichiro to start dating Noe, at the end of the episode. The guy definitely has an interesting sister-complex, which was probably caused by the death of his grandmother.

One thing that also puzzles me is how Shinichiro’s mother treats Hiromi. The two of them aren’t exactly the friendliest towards each other. If that’s the case, then how the heck did the two of them end up in the same house, I wonder…

5 thoughts on “True Tears – 04

  1. I like both Noe and Hiromi, both characters are very nice. But so far it is obvious that the romantic relationship between Noe and Shinichiro is pretty one-sided. I can only see a ShinXHiromi ending unless there is a drastic change for ShinXNoe.

  2. About Shinichiro’s mother it’s quite clear from how she talks to her that she see Hiromi like an illegimate daughter, wich is why Hiromi can’t confess her feelings since she might be Shinichiro’s stepsister

  3. i think shin’s mother hate hiromi’s rather than hiromi herself. i’m also hoping for shinxnoe; shin’s father had affair with hiromi’s mother, resulting hiromi. coz then everything will make sense; why shin’s father took her in, why his mother hate her so, why hiromi avoid shin. juz a thought though.

  4. Wasn’t Aiko set up with Miyokichi by Shinichiro? My opinion is that she went for Miyokichi because she knew Shinichiro had feelings for Hiromi.

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