And the current small arc is already over. Still, despite the short length, it is a major arc. Especially this episode gives us lots of new information. In the next episode, the finale of the series is going to start, with only five episodes left. It’s promising to become an epic ride.
The very first scene already comes with a major plot twist: Physis isn’t a Myu. When Blue found her and rescued her, he found her inside a test tube. This doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s a Myu herself. Toni tells this to her, and he lets her know how much he disgusts humans, and so Physis. He also partially blames her for killing his parents, due to her similarities with Keith. He then gets chased out of the room by Physis’s assistant.
In the meantime, Shangri-La has been hovering in the sky for quite a while now. We next see Toni, training with his comrades, and he’s way too harsh on them. He’s clearly struggling about what to do. Jomie is meanwhile in his room, along with Swena. She tells him about the things he did with E1077. Swena now also needs to find something else to do, since her original mission of finding the Moby Dick has been fulfilled.
The other Myu have meanwhile gotten access of the Universal Computer, and they’ve located the data that tells about Terra’s location. It’s being protected by a rather nasty password, though, so it’s going to take a while to crack it. We meanwhile see Keith, inside E1077, and Jomie, boarding a space-ship, while getting bugged by Swena about her daughter.
Keith then turn back on the power source of E1077, and heads to the room with Mother Eliza. And now, we finally get to know the link between him and Physis: They’ve got the same DNA! They were both the products of the first successful attempts to create “superhumans”, if I had to guess. For the same experiment, about a dozen clones were made. Physis was the female part of the DNA, Keith the male. Physis got saved by Blue, while Keith was let out of his capsule as an experiment, and it worked perfectly. I wonder why the others weren’t released as well…
Back to Jomie, he finally gets to see Swena’s daughter. She’s now in the care of new parents. He then says goodbye to Swena, which probably was the last time he’ll see her. When they’re gone, Toni (who has gone along with them, along with Rio) protests how he can be so friendly towards the humans, who are supposed to be the enemies, though Jomie reassures him that he too is a human. Toni just can’t believe this.
Jomie then heads to the place where he was born, much like Keith, who is now cursing his clones and Mother Eliza. Shockingly enough, they both end up destroying their birthplaces. Jomie destroys the cave which carries the tubes with newborn children, and even though it would have been awesome to see Keith’s clones in action, Keith kills them all, along with Mother Eliza and E1077. He leaves Peter Pan behind at Shiroe’s former dormitory.
After destroying the tubes, along with the computer that protected it, he leaves the keepsake he got from Sam there. With this, he finally closed off his childhood. We close the episode with the news that the location of Terra has finally been discovered, and Keith, getting a new mission from Grand Mother, which probably involves stopping Jomie from getting to Terra.
This episode was more about its revelations, than the addictive pacing and tension of the previous arc, but it still was awesome watching it. With five episodes left, there’s plenty of time left to finish off this series, and I’m curious to see how it’ll end. At the end of the previous episode, Keith looked surprisingly human, when he was heading to his birthplace. At the end of the episode, though, he’s back to his old self, and we’re supposed to hate him again. We know he isn’t going to make it easy for the Myu, and something’s telling me that he’s going to slaughter the children of the Myu. The question is: how?]]>
I’m not convinced Keith is what Grandmother seems to think he is. I think they wanted him to be perfectly obedient and emotionally distant, but that they have instead made someone like themselves. Keith is willing to make leadership decisions without approval and I don’t think he sees random Mu as a threat(thus Matsuka is safe). I predict Keith will eliminate or at least allow the destruction of all the super computers just as coldly as they seem to eliminate anything they feel is no longer useful. Especially since the Mu threat was created by the computers in the first place.
Jomy is being very hard on poor Tony right now, and I can honestly say I feel sorry for Tony. He just lost his mother for crying out loud. Jomy is acting frighteningly like someone who expects to die.
I just watched the Terra e movie that was made back in 1980. It’s a little different. In the movie Tony is actually Jomy’s son. Jomy comes up with the idea for the Mu to try natural childbirth and asks Karina to have a child with him. In the anime right now It feels as if Tony’s an explosion waiting to happen. I think all Jomy has to do is show some interest in anything other then the goal and Tony will be jealous enough to act against him. Maybe.
What Jomy destroyed was Terras computer 5 and not test tubes. Also, I liked the twist at the end of the episode. first they make you think that Keith is acting against the system by destroying Mother eliza and E1077 and that his reaction is one of anger but then at the end we unfortunately discover that it was an order from Grand Mother, the all mighty supercomputer that governs the humans. I wonder if Keith is actually decieving Grand Mother or if he is too far of a “machine” to have any emotions left.