Another major episode: the first contact between Jomie and Keith. Seriously, I love the fast pacing of this show, it’s only been a few episodes, and already the plot has taken leaps forward. Physis also played a bit role in this episode, the first time she actually does, and it seems that the Myu will be leaving Nazca quite soon, depending on how Keith will get out of the situation he was in at the end of the episode.
The highlight of the episode was definitely the showdown between Keith and Jomie. Keith decides to go down on Nazca’s atmosphere in order to find him, and Jomie immediately senses that this person may not land. After quite an exciting battle, Keith manages to get captured. Physis, however, who has been watching from the sidelines, feels some strange things coming from this guy. I couldn’t exactly understand what, but he seems to hold the key to the location of Terra. When his mind is being read, though, all that shows up are the images of earth that Mother Eliza has been implanting in him.
The next episode is promising to be really exciting, and I’m glad to see that Physis finally gets a bit of development for herself.]]>
I’ve always wondered when Physis would get some development. It’s about time, especially after seeing how she comes in contact with Keith in the OP sequence. Though I suppose we know how misleading that can be…lol.
As Leon said, the OP is so misleading…but I can’t help wanting to see a connection between Physis and Mother Eliza (it’s gotta be there…), and, therefore, Keith and Physis, but you never know with this…
Also, it seems that we saw in the preview that next episode, Blue wakes up, and maybe we get to see that scene from the OP where Jomy gets the headphones…i wonder what that would signify, seeing as he’s already considered as the leader of the Myu.
Anyway, you were right about episode thirteen being the turning point! This show has just got such an amazing pace–never a moment of boredom!