Keith’s story now also begins to draw to its climax. This episode again was better than the previous one, and it featured quite some important plot events. Still, I think that this anime will really kick off in its second half, when all the characters are fleshed out properly. As of now, I can’t really connect to Keith yet, due to the fact that his character just isn’t as interesting as Jomie’s yet. But that could change when he finds out about his secret. I’m not sure what it is, but Shiroe’s words last time, about how he’s like a robot may have held some kind of truth.
During this episode, Shiroe hacks into the database of the ship, in order to find out about Keith, and eventually, he runs into a strange room full of strange test-tubes with humans in it. He believes that Keith was raised in the same way. And if he did, then it does make sense. Nobody from the place he grew up remembers him, not because their memories have been erased, these memories never existed to begin with. He needed a birthplace for administrational records, so he just got assigned a random city/planet. It also explains why Mother Eliza looks the way she did, in combination with some other information given in this episode: she looks like the woman closest to the person she talks to. Some people see their girlfriend, while others see their mothers. When Keith woke up, he never had a woman close to him to begin with, so I assume that she was taking on a random form.
In the end, Shiroe gets caught, though. I’m not sure whether him, being a Myu is being found out, but he does manage to escape. He hides in a park somewhere, looking to tell Keith his secret. He’s looking pretty bad, by the way. It’ll be very interesting to see how Keith will react to this. And how the heck is Shiroe going to survive this? And when will we see Swena back again, if she does return in the first place?
Sam also went through quite a bit of development when Jomie hacks into a practice plane he was flying in to send a message of peace. He now knows that Jomie is the leader of the Myu, and he really shows this. We never really see this explicitly, but I think that deep inside, everyone on the crew has negative feelings for the Myu. Otherwise, Sam wouldn’t have reacted the way he did. We also see him, at one point, admit that he just isn’t good enough to become a member, unlike Keith. This again shows how insensitive Keith can be.
It’s great to see Jomie back, by the way, even though it only was for a few seconds. I’m looking forward to the next episode, it’s promising to become a major one. :)]]>
Keith’s Mother Eliza looks like the esper that can see the future on board jomy’s ship. The OP also hints at this.
I’ve been wondering this myself, but if Mother Eliza was really meant to look like Physis, then why did her hair-color change? Obviously, Keith would never know what Physis looks like, so why bother changing her appearance a bit?
In the intro it shows Keith reaching out and touching the Esper’s hand. The woman Mother Eliza replicated looked very similar to her. Could it be that the esper is the real mother of both jomie and keith? Or perhaps keith is the human’s attempt at creating a superhuman using part of jomie’s DNA?