Top 25 Favourite OPs

Well, so this was requested a few months ago, and I finally got around to finishing it. I had a lot of fun scavenging youtube and compiling this list, so here are my 25 favourite anime OPs. Before reading, you should note that my taste here is rather weird. I don’t like generic J-pop and J-rock, bar a few exceptions.

What I look for in an OP is song or musical piece that I like, along with creative visuals, but perhaps the most important thing is its context with the series it’s based on. Is there symbolism? Does it capture the atmosphere of the series it’s based on? That kind of stuff. I’m also a big fan of shows that do something interesting with their visuals.

#25: Argento Soma

To start off, an OP that for me stands out as memorable in its simplicity. For a mecha-show you might expect something more hot-blooded, but the subtle vocals, with the visuals who just show what they need to show in order to introduce the the characters and what the plot will be about. Incidentally, Argento Soma also has some of the most interesting episode titles out there.

#24: Fancy Lala

As one of the better mahou shoujo out there, it does have the best OP amongst the genre for me. It’s able to capture the innocence of the lead character perfectly, while also playing to its themes as the big world of adults. The song is catchy and yet not obnoxious and it always was a great way to introduce this series.

#23: Gad Guard

Baccano may be for many people the show with the best Jazzy OP, but I do think that Gad Guard holds a candle over it, simply due to the incredible catchiness of the swinging soundtrack. A closer look at it also shows how much the creators just managed to show about the series within just ninety seconds. There are no spoilers, and yet instead of just showing one bit of every character, it shows a whole bunch of bits about the major cast. Neat.

#22: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto

Regardless of being an OP, this is just a terrific standalone song that we have here. Incredibly well produced by Yuki Kajiura, with excellent vocals, it really was an excellent way to open this show with every week. And the animation itself also kicks ass on top with the series’ excellent character-designs.

#21: Narutaru

The reason I picked this show was of course because of its irony. Not knowing anything about the content, you’d expect this to be some nice pokemon clone. Everything is brightly coloured and drawn with crayons. It looks like the perfect afternoon show to keep your kids busy. The song itself is a good and well built up rock tune combined with a harmonica. A definite contender for the most misleading opening ever and yet there’s a lot of truth in it: despite the horrible things that happen throughout the series, the lead characters remain innocent children. Also be sure to check out this… interesting Higurashi cross-over.

#20: Kurozuka

I’m a big fan of the metal music genre, so there’s bound to be a number of OPs on this list to reflect this. As Kurozuka was an action-horror series, it couldn’t have gotten itself a better introduction than this one, to pump up its viewers. It’s a bit repetitive, but full of adrenaline. The graphics themselves are way over the top like in the series, with a ton of eye candy to marvel at, even though not everything may make as much sense. There’s actually quite a bit of symbolism in it, but to talk about that would mean delving into spoilers, so I’ll refrain.

#19: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge

As a parody of the shoujo-genre, even the OP didn’t miss any chances of poking fun at the genre. The lead four bishies are presented as some sort of catalogue models here, making the most ridiculous poses. Add a few sad scenes in the rain (which had absolutely nothing to do with the actual series), and an actual great song, and the picture is complete.

#18: Kodomo no Omocha (OP 2)

Kodocha’s first OP had to be cancelled due to copyright issues, so it was replaced with this one. The wacky visuals are one thing, but I mostly put it in this list due to the incredibly cheerful song. Heck, I’ve listened to this song throughout more than sixty episodes, and still haven’t gotten tired of it, that’s how much it sticks to your mind without getting annoying. Like the series itself, it’s very much a feel-good OP for me.

#17: Figure 17 – Tsubasa and Hikaru

I again love this OP for the song. It has a great use of instruments, it’s got great vocals, it’s varied, it’s charming, it’s nice and loud. Surprisingly heavy for a series that’s more than half slice of life, but I always found it a great introduction to the show and its unique characters. It’s an emotionally powerful song, especially when combined with the visuals.

#16: Shikabane Hime

I already talked about this one before, and how it was my favourite OP of 2009. Amazing vocals from Angela in a balanced, upbeat and intense song, along with a number of greatly animated action-scenes. It also has an excellent use of colours by the way.

#15: Ergo Proxy

I absolutely love what the creators did with the graphics here. It looks absolutely gorgeous and unlike any other OP that I’ve seen. The CG, filtered live action and traditional animation blend with each other seamlessly and create a great whole. Whoever put this together in the editing room was exceptionally skilled. The song is also down to earth (with actual English vocals, rather than the pretentious Engrish you often hear in OPs) and great for building up the show’s atmosphere.

#14: Beck

A rocking song that’s surprisingly complex for only 90 seconds and repetitive lyrics. It perfectly captured the essence of a show about an aspiring rock band, ranging from the touring, small concerts, and the big outdoor performances. Despite being repetitive, the lyrics symbolize the plot a lot, considering that America plays a big role in this series. This is one of those OPs that has almost nothing to do with the plot of the series, but yet fits it exactly.

#13: Death Note, OP 2

When this series aired, I had already given up of there being any good metal in the OPs of anime. The first OP of Death Note also was a cheesy pop song, so really, when this suddenly blasted out of the screen caught my utter surprise. It’s not just the over the top vocals and grunts that make this OP so good, but the visuals themselves also just rock. A lot of imagination has gotten into portraying the characters (I especially loved Ryuk and his apple, but L’s quirks were also hilarious). To me it’s a very complete OP. But yeah, you really need to like this kind of music, the screaming WILL turn you off otherwise.

#12: Hakaba Kitarou

Now if this isn’t funky, then I don’t know any more. I remember that when I first watched this series, I expected a simple kids show, like what Kitarou became famous for. This OP blew me away with how surprisingly good it was. The manga frames also really capture the quirky nature of the original manga material, while giving a bit of a compilation of the stories that will be featured in the series in such a way, that you’ll only get it if you really end up watching the series. It’s been my favourite OP of 2008 with good reason, because very, very few anime can boast an OP that swings as much as this one.

#11: Niea Under 7

The previous entries on this list were upbeat and energetic, but this is an OP I love because of its simplicity. It just screams intrigue with all of the visuals it shows. Nothing is into context for the actual series, but the graphics and character-designs look gorgeous and very creative. The wanted posters were a bit of a weird idea, but they work surprisingly well. The vocals take a bit to get used to, but the vocalist has some strange charm over him with his weird yet raw voice.

#10: Paranoia Agent

So yes, this OP rocks because of its ideas: having the lead characters stand laughing in the most nonsensical situations. Satoshi Kon (or whoever came up with it) is a genius. It’s without a doubt something that catches your eye, and fits the disturbing nature of the series itself to a T. The yodelling vocals only make it better. It’s a shame that this guy doesn’t get to voice in more soundtracks, other than the ones for his Satoshi Kon movies, because he really is a good singer.

#9: The Legend of Black Heaven

Here is an OP that did just about everything right. Black Heaven is a show about nostalgia: longing back to the past days of glory. The entire OP is the personification of the feelings that the lead character has to the days in which he was a rock-star, the days filled with drugs, sex and rock and roll. This OP chose not to focus on the series itself, but rather its core essence, and made a music video out of it, with awesome results. And then there is the animation! Bold, fluid and out of control. And if that wasn’t already enough, the song itself also kicks ass beyond belief.

#8: FLAG

For the raw emotional power. FLAG’s OP isn’t just an OP, it also tells the story of the people that this series is about, and the staggering contrast between the lead character, who grew up as a regular kid in a regular Japanese household, and the people in the war-torn area that the series takes place in. This isn’t some kind of summary or introduction, it really adds something to the series in terms of storytelling, characters and setting, to a degree I’ve hardly ever seen before. The music lacks vocals, but it’s haunting enough already without them.

#7: Bokura no

Bokura no’s OP becomes especially engaging as the series goes on, but to explain why would include way too many spoilers. Despite the huge cast, the creators really gave all of them the chance to introduce themselves, unbeknownst to what would happen to them; it’s an OP that shines due to the incredibly strong cast that the series already has. The vocals and visuals give them ample time to shine. Not to mention that the song itself is also very haunting.

#6: Fantastic Children

What a ballad; these vocals seriously are something else. The song is beautifully and powerfully sung into a huge chunk of atmosphere. The instruments know to keep just enough presence to strengthen the song, rather than going too over the top, and it works wonderfully.

#5: Now and Then, Here and There

Seriously, this may just be a piece of music with a bunch of small photos; it may not seem like anything special, but I nearly get teary-eyed just from watching it. That’s how powerful the simplicity works in this case. This OP doesn’t try to be anything over the top, or it doesn’t try to lure in the characters with characters, trying to look cool. No. It’s just a prelude to a series in which enough horrible things happen already. It’s minimalistic, but with series as this one, such a simple OP is the best choice to show the best of the characters.

#4: Paradise Kiss

When I watched this (right before starting this blog, actually), I actually didn’t quite like the fully realistic series yet (yes, my taste has changed quite a bit in the past four and a half years). This really has been the only series, where I kept watching because the OP was just so damn good! I don’t like most of the J-pop, but for songs like this I’m ready enough to make an exceptions. The balance inside the song is excellent, the vocals are wonderful and the visuals are just gorgeous. After all these years, it’s still the Noitamina OP that I consider to be the best, and none of the series that aired after it featured an OP that impressed me more (hint, hint).

#3: Cromartie High School

Most of the OPs on this list have been serious… this one isn’t. I just love how everything comes together, and how this OP brings the cast of morons that the series focuses on to life. The instruments are beyond catchy, but it’s also hilarious how everyone is trying so hard to make a serious face. I’m a big fan of deadpan humour, and this really is the ultimate in it. It’s such a charming and feel-good OP that I couldn’t resist to put it among my favourites.

#2: Overman King Gainer

This OP is just synonymous to awesome. It’s over the top and hot blooded like your average mecha series, but what makes it stand miles above the rest is the choreography and the dancing. The dancing robots are exceptionally inspiring, but there are a ton of bold ideas that make this OP larger than life, it’s done in such an over the top way that it becomes incredibly charming.

#1: Great Teacher Onizuka

I’m usually not a fan of L’Arc-en-Ciel; they’re often too cheesy for my tastes. But damn, talk about an exception here. The vocals here are just more than excellent: they’re well delivered and have a huge range. It’s very emotionally charged, and Studio Pierrot’s trademark style of animation only makes it better. The visuals are incredibly stylish and symbolic of what’s going to happen in the series. Because of that, I consider this to be the best OP I have ever seen.

So that’s my list. I really hope that I didn’t include too many youtube embedded videos in one post. Does anyone know if there’s a limit, perhaps? Preferably I don’t want to split up this post, to prevent it from becoming a bit of an disorganized mess. In any case, if there’s any desire for a top ED post, I’ll start working on it in the next months. So what are your favourite OPs?

61 thoughts on “Top 25 Favourite OPs

  1. whoaw, what an awesome list of OPs. I don’t know a quarter of those shows, and now I want to watch a lot of them XD
    Love how many of those musics really hit that nostalgic / epic vibe I love so much. Also that Gad Guard OP literally made me dance at once, such good jazz

  2. Great list! I agree with almost every one of your choices, and GTO is a fine choice for #1 – that OP is amazing!


  3. I’m a huge L’arc~en~Ciel fan… I have to admit nothing beats the era around when Driver’s High was released. I loved hyde’s vocals so much back then. Pretty interesting and unique choices, I made me remember a few songs I enjoyed but forgot about (Ergo Proxy and Bokurano’s OPs). Looking forward to the next post!

  4. Hmmm… actually, while we’re discussing anime OPs, here are three that I think MIGHT have made your list, if you’d yet seen the anime they come from:
    Another L’Arc~en~Ciel opening, and while I don’t think it fits as well as GTO’s – nor is the opening anywhere near as well-done – I like the song quite a bit better, and I think it fits well with the visuals, which fit well with the extraordinarily silly and over-the-top (yet somehow heartwarming) series. Been one of my favorite anime openings ever since I first saw it!
    This would honestly be a contender for my #1 favorite OP of all time, actually. Not only is the song really great, and not only are the visuals really unique and artistic (and highly reminiscent of the opening to Star Trek: Enterprise, but much more fitting of the show), but this opening also changes a good 12-14 times during the course of the 26-episode show, constantly updating itself with a few new elements, characters, or scene flashes as the story progresses. It’s also VERY appropriate to the show, briefly showing off a little hint at the personalities of all its characters, as well as a look into the history of the world they now live in. Amazing show, amazing OP.
    The Daichis: Earth Defense Family
    This is probably one of the most obscure anime I consider myself a big fan of, but I really did LOVE this show… it’s the perfect mixture of silly, serious, and action-packed, and there’s never a single moment’s rest in its high-adrenaline, high-speed antics. And this OP… well, it may be the single most fast-paced anime OP I’ve ever seen, showing off bits and pieces of what makes this show so great… plus, the song is obnoxiously catchy, with some of the most thinly-veiled dirty lyrics I’ve ever heard. (: If anyone else would appreciate this anime, it would be you, Psgels – it’s great both as a comedy AND as a drama, and very few shows manage to light the candle at both ends like that.


  5. I think the Baccano OP and Durarara OP1&2 deserve a spot in this list .. not only do they portray the style of story telling in both series .. but also have lots of subtle details and cool transitions.

    Also Eureka 1st and 2nd OP are excellent .. they capture they spirit of the show very well .. are vivid and have good music/songs.

    Also can’t agree more on the FLAG OP .. it is very powerful.

  6. Great list, and it actually introduced me to a lot of OPs I didn’t know about 😀

    I love how the vocals in the NieA_7 OP sound alike to Tom Waits. I pretty much disliked the entire show, but I couldn’t help but listen to that opening over and over.

  7. I wished you had watched Cowboy Bebop. It’s pretty far from being my favorite show, but it definitively has my favorite OP.

  8. Awww, no Xam’d? That’s my favourite.

    I’d seen the Gad Guard one ages ago but totally forgot about it. I’d probably put Baccano above it because Baccano is smarter with the way it portrays the characters. Then again, I haven’t seen Gad Guard so meh~

  9. I’m surprised you didn’t pick Escaflowne’s OP. I love the song, Maaya Sakamoto’s voice and the whole presentation of the characters. I watched it before every single episode ^^

  10. Wow, I haven’t even seen the majority of the shows here, but talk about a blast from the past. Ergo Proxy and GTO, good times. As always, it’s cool to see your taste in things. ^^


    Agree about Cowboy Bebop OP, it’s one of the best Jazzy openings i saw .. great use of colors/animation too and fits perfectly with the style of the series.

    There is also Samurai Champloo OP (also by the same people who made Cowboy) … very stylish art/presentation and some wacky Jap Rap .. which fits perfectly with the series .. you will understand if you have watched it.

    Then there is Ghost in the Shell:SAC … just the fact that both OP are composed by Yoko Kano and sang by Origa makes them full of win .. they really get you into the mood too.

  12. I believe Eden of the East’s OP deserve a spot on that list.. it’s stylish, slick, although the song isn’t J-rock, it surprisingly fits and complements not only the OP visuals but also the anime itself… it’s in the same vein as Ergo Proxy’s OP so I was surprised at its omission, but still, an awesome list and I agree with a lot of the choices..

  13. So far I’ve only seen 7 of the shows you listed (GTO, Paradise Kiss, Bokura no, Death Note, Beck, Ergo Proxy and Shikabane Hime) and I agree that all of them have great openings.

    And this would be my list (at least for now):

    01. Mouryou no Hako
    02. Planetes
    03. Baccano!/Durarara!!
    04. Cowboy Bebop
    05. Bounen no Xam’d
    06. Michiko to Hatchin
    07. Samurai Champloo
    08. Ergo Proxy
    09. Witch Hunter Robin
    10. Bokura no
    11. Spice and Wolf (OP 1)
    12. Phantom (OP 1)
    13. Jigoku Shoujo (OP 1)
    14. Gankutsuou
    15. Monster
    16. Honey & Clover (OP 1&2)

    As for the mahou shoujo, to me it would probably always be Sailor Moon that has the best OPs out there; there are, if I remember correctly, 8 of them, and they all have really nice visuals (at least for a show that started in the early 90s), as well as two pretty much unforgettable songs. Of course, I mean the original Japanese OPs, and not some of those crappy dubbed, cut & censored international versions.

    Anyway, now I’ll be looking forward to your top ED list 🙂

  14. I think you would have probably put Rozen Maiden and Cowboy Bebop in that list, from what I gather from your tastes.

    Personally, I really enjoyed the Mushishi and Kaiba ones (and Kaiba ending is also excellent)

  15. I would’ve put AKFG’s Rewrite in the first place, it really put the dot in the first FMA series and made me really sad about how the anime was about to end. I don’t usually watch OP’s but that was the one I watched every friggin time, so powerful.

  16. Hmmn, my list would be something like this-

    1. Requiem From The Darkness OP – The Flame

    Without a doubt, this is the best OP I’ve run across in any anime. Jazzy, poignant and funky in all the best ways possible. Compliments the series imagery perfectly too!

    2. Eureka Seven OP 2: Shounen Heart

    Love the energy and flow that permeates this particular opening: jazz-rap with a pop sensibility! 😀

    3. Wolf’s Rain OP: Stray

    I’m not sure what it is about BONES, but they always nail things on the musical end of things for their anime. This track is no exception!

    4. Freedom OVA OP – This Is Love

    Most J-Pop annoys the hell out of me. Utada Hikaru, on the other hand, is wonderful. As close to a perfect pop OP as I’ve ever seen! 🙂

  17. Cowboy Bebop

    Ghost in the Shell: SAC… couldn’t find a video of the opening with good sound quality, but the visuals are very good.

    Ghost in the Shell 2nd GiG

    Nodame Cantabile

    Gundam 00 first OP (more L’Arc~en~Ciel)

    Soul Eater

    FMA Brotherhood OP1

    Macross 7, an OP so good it can save the universe!

    Just listing some random ones I enjoyed off the top of my head. I don’t pay much attention to visuals, usually, so they are not really slanted that way I guess. I also enjoy some really cheesy openings like in Gundam SEED, but that’s probably just me… ;p

  18. Cowboy Bebop

    Ghost in the Shell: SAC… couldn’t find a video of the opening with good sound quality, but the visuals are very good.

    Ghost in the Shell 2nd GiG

    Nodame Cantabile

    Gundam 00 first OP (more L’Arc~en~Ciel)

    Soul Eater

    FMA Brotherhood OP1

    Macross 7, an OP so good it can save the universe!

    Just listing some random ones I enjoyed off the top of my head. I don’t pay much attention to visuals, usually, so they are not really slanted that way I guess. I also enjoy some really cheesy openings like in Gundam SEED, but that’s probably just me… ;p

  19. I love how I have only seen like half of the shows that psgels listed,more series to check out from their awesome openings!My favorites in this list are Paradise Kiss’ op,Niea 7’s,Paranoia Agent’s,Beck’s and Bokurano’s .While some of my favs that are not in the list are Xam’d,Baccano’s and Zetsubou Sensei’s 1st and 2nd season’s opening.My favourite ending ever would have to be Noir’s Kirei na Kanjou and Nana’s a little pain ^^

  20. Aquagon: Traumelai is good, but Tomodachi no Uta (the second OP) is better – especially the second variation, where Pietro’s playing with the toy boat. (: That’s my favorite PopoloCrois OP by far.


  21. Best post ever psgels!

    Two ones I think should be on there. Kaiba opening and Spice and Wolf op 1. God i love Spice and Wolf op 1.

  22. Higurashi opening where?
    I’m kind of surprised to not see it here. It has that eerie air around it (both visuals and music) that make it really stand out for me.

    BTW: It’s Katayoku no Tori not Katahane.

  23. Yeah I have to agree with blah. The Spice and Wolf op 1 for me just sums up the whole “feeling” of travel and adventure in 1 minute and 30 seconds, and the visuals and music match perfect.

    Also, the Cowboy Bebop opening is probably the best Jazz OP in anime, though I was impressed with Gad Guard.

  24. As a fan of English anime songs, I am terribly disappointed that none the song are in English.

    Would really like to know why you excluded
    Kaiba OP, Serial Experiment Lain OP, and Gunslinger Girl season 1 OP.

    All three in my mind are very good OP.

  25. 33.

    What are you talking about, both Ergo Proxy and BECK are in English. Great animes at that.

  26. I rather not think that your taste is weird, thing of favor is personal after all, great list, love the one from BECK.
    For me,I had to give it to Code Geass R2 second OP, “World End”, I sing it every episode I watched. Also Durarara and FMA are quite good too.

  27. I’ll keep this post simple, because posting a whole list of others is rather pointless to me.

    But great to see some people appreciate Kodocha and Cromartie so much. LOVE those shows from head to toe.

  28. Mushishi’s The Sore Feet Song is not here but I don’t have the right to complain in the slightest. Glad to see Uninstall and Fancy Lala on the list. Thanks for the time for making this post.

  29. As always psgel avoids all popular shows 🙂 (typical best op online polls usually have a combination of openings from shows like Evangelion, Card Captor Sakura, Nanoha, Cowboy Bebop etc. at the top).

    I don’t really have a list of best OP, but here is my list of favorite anime songs, where #1, 3, 6, 7, 9 happen to be OP.

    1 You wa shock (Hokuno no Ken – 1984)
    2 Chiisana te no hira (Clannad – 2009)
    3 Zankoku na tenshi no teze (Evangelion – 1995)
    4 Voices (Macross Plus – 1994)
    5 Hime Murasaki (Basilisk – 2005)
    6 Ash like Snow (Gundam 00 – 2007)
    7 Inori (Romeo x Juliet – 2007)
    8 The real folk blues (Cowboy Bebop – 1998)
    9 Wish (Nana – 2006)
    10 New Future (Full Moon wo Sagashite – 2002)

  30. Please do a top ED post! My top 20 will look something like this.

    1. Princess Tutu – Morning Grace

    2. Texholyze – Guardian Angel

    3. Hajime no Ippo – Inner Light (OP2)

    4. Zeta Gundam – Mizu no Hoshi (OP2)

    5. Bokurano – Uninstall

    6. Elfen Lied – Lilium

    7. Hajime no Ippo – Tumbling Dice (OP3)

    8. Cowboy Bebop – Tank

    9. Gintama – Donten (OP5)

    10. Mushishi – The Sore Feet Song

    11. Evangelion – Cruel Angel Thesis

    12. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (OP1)

    13. Excel Saga – Ai (Chuuseishin)

    14. Juuni Kokki – Juuni Genmukyoku

    15. Gundam 00 – Daybreak’s Bell (OP1)

    16. Death Note – What’s Up People?! (OP2)

    17. Monster – Grain

    18. Gunslinger Girl – The Light Before We Land

    19. Shaman King – Northern Lights (OP2)

    20. Initial D First Stage – Around the World (OP1)

  31. Interesting that you included the OP of Fantastic Children, which was almost completely disregarded when the show was airing. The OP of FC is better of course, but I liked the OP almost as much.
    One OP I would have thought to seen in this list was the one from Junni Kokuki, which is just an awesome piece of music. Inner Universe from GitS-SAC is also quite a good OP.

  32. Ahh yuu, i forgot about the hajime no ippo openings. They’re all so good.

    Especially Tumbling Dice for me. I loved that opening. Especially when it shows Date’s back with his glove held up (with that music). So good!

  33. Nice list again psgels.With this.I begin to know many rare anime.Interesing that most anime OP in your list look rather old.But no doubt that all of them look very charming and appealed
    My favourite OP(That Watch form your list) is Shikabane Hime,Ergo Proxy,Cromartie High School,Hakaba Kitarou.

    But above of them I really love Death note OP the most!! in the symbolic meaning I think it’s the one that can portrays it nicely and easily to understand.Mostly when I watch anime I didn’t interested to decode symbolic in the OP too much. But with this Death note OP.It’s make me think about that side.Along with Great Teacher Onizuka. That has some nice symbolic and nice visual too.

    Usually when I watch OP I watch it mostly because of catchy song,Catchy visual that fit nicely with beat that its song has.

    Hmm..for me I suggest you to watch Nabari no ou and Soul eater OP.It’s simple.But very catchy to make you watch it every time.Most of FMA OP are good too!! But you don’t like generic J-pop and J-rock right?..So my taste maybe different from you.

  34. Ooh, good call from Kalandra: serial experiments lain’s OP is AMAZING. That’s one I’d forgotten about, but it’s definitely worthy of ANYONE’S list, I think.


  35. I am surprised that “lost in blue”, op of mouryou no hako is not included in your list. To me, it’s the perfect example of a fitting opening, simple yet a lot of substance if you dig deep, nothing is too bright and the light and shadow is beautifully interpreted. It has a touch of summer’s breeze. During this 1:16, it seems it has told all, yet it didn’t. Everything is under your eye. When it ends, you don’t want it to. Talk about intruding!

  36. @Tom: Yeah, I agree with the visuals (and on the second variation, not only the part of Pietro playing with the boat is good, but also the little part that seems to be a reprisal from a Popolo2 battle), but for some reason, Traumelai had more impact in me in the aural department. That’s not to say that Tomodachi no Uta is bad: to me it’s an excellent song.

    @Jaen: Definitively it’s not Katayoku, since Shikata herself sings the song title as “Katahane no Tori” in the full version of the song. Katayoku is no more than a generalized erroneous romanization.

    And well, here it’s my selection of Anime OPs:

    Traumelai (Popolocrois 2003 1st)
    Natsu Kikyuu (Popolocrois 1998)
    Tomodachi no Uta (Popolocrois 2003 2nd)
    Katahane no Tori (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
    ALMATERIA (Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant Chapter)
    Kiseki no Umi (Record of Lodoss War TV)
    Butterfly (Digimon Adventure 1st)
    Kimi ga Ita Monogatari (.hack//Liminality 3rd)
    Believe (Gundam Seed 3rd)
    Obsession (.hack//SIGN)

    Let’s just say I have a pretty weird mix of tastes when it comes to music.

  37. Here’s some my favourite OPs. It’s kind of hard to rank them, because I consider they all have their own characteristic.

    “dis-” – Infinite Ryvius op
    It also has an English version, which I prefer.

    “ikitekoso” – Mushiking op

    “Oh Edo Nagareboshi IV” – Oh! Edo Rocket op
    I love this op! Pretty, funny, has its ups and downs.

    “GAIKING” – NEO Gaiking op2
    This op marks the come back of kingcraft(I’m not sure this is the right way to put it in English = =) of robot anime, Toei style.

    “REASON” – Tekkaman Blade op1
    One of the saddest anime in the anime history. Not like “NTHT”‘s darkness, the tragety of Tekkaman Blade is just like how it sings in this and the following opening, no need for yesterday, fight to the end is the destiney for the lead character, all alone.

    “Melos no Yōni -Lonely Way-” – Blue Comet SPT Layzner
    A very good piece of 1980’s J-pop. The lyric is also very well written. Notice the name of the song? It came from “Hashire, Melos!”

    “For Fruits Basket” – Fruits Basket
    Simple, quiet and sweet. Ritsuko Okazaki, rip.

    “Alsatia” – Mnemosyne
    Galneryus is epic! It’s a shame that YAMA-B left the band. Never been the same after his departure… Galneryus made two songs for this anime, both op and ed. It’s hard to tell which one I like better. And for Mnemosyne the anime itself, there is one commet on youtube that I can’t agree more: “It’s like I went through so much shit through that anime, it was beyond amazing, so epic and beautiful”. I actually cried a little bit at the end. It’s understandable why people turn away from this anime, but the “fan service”, and a lot of other stuff this anime provide, it can actually explain itself. And the sense of violence mixing humor, wow… Let’s just say it hit my spot. The only thing that didn’t satisfied me is its length. 6 episodes, that’s too damn short.
    p.s. my favourite song in Galneryus’s single “Alsatia/Cause Disarray” is actually “the awakening”. Blows me away.

    “Kaidoku Funou” – CODE GEASS Lelouch of the Rebellion OP 2
    Love it or hate it, either way, it leaves an impression.

    “Kiseki no Umi” – Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
    One of my favourite since I first saw it. Unforgettable.

    “Big O” – Big-O-
    When I first heard this, I was like “Whaaat?!”
    After I finish the anime, I was like “Give me moooreee!!”

    “dramatic” – Honey & Clover op1
    I actually didn’t like the song. It’s a little bit over the top. But again, it’s named “dramatic”.

    “Attack! Gag manga biyori” – Gag manga biyori 2
    Believe it or not, the OPs of Gag manga biyori is very hard to draw(except for the 3rd one). And it’s sang by my favourite voice actor, youji ueda.

    “shangri-la” – Fafner in the azure
    It’s obivous that Heroic Age’s op is much more finished than Fafner’s, but I still like to check Shangri-la every once a while. That’s very wierd. There is something in the tempo of this op’s visual, a taste only Xebec can pull off.

    “revolution” – Revolutionary Girl Utena
    One of the best interpretation of perfect bond of song and visual. Very charming.

    “Allegro Cantabile”- Nodame Cantabile
    I was blowed away when I first saw this op. So clean and flawless stylished, very unique. Love the expression on Chiaki and Nodame. Can’t think of any better conclusion of this op.

    “jounetsu” – Tokyo Underground op1

    “Lost in Blue” – Mouryo no Hako

  38. Ooh, forgot about “dis” from Infinite Ryvius. That IS a damn good opening, as well!

    Aquagon: there’s a sort of “nautical” sound to Tomodachi no Uta that I just find really, really awesome. I can’t explain it, but it gets me every single time I watch that intro… it’s definitely my favorite of the Popolo intros, by leaps and bounds. But yeah, they’re all pretty good, even if the 1998 intro doesn’t make a lot of sense. (:


  39. @Tom: Hehe, I kind of understand what you mean, especially given the context under which Tsuki no Okite no Bouken happens, and the way the song is.
    It’s just that Traumelai has a more… nostalgic feeling, that actually hits me very deep in the heart, and it also was what served as my inspiration for the finale of an story I’m writing right now (in Spanish only, unfortunately…)

    And really, Natsu Kikyuu is a cute song, though the lyrics really are very nonsensical (at least from what I understood from your translations, and from what I have translated myself while listening to it). ^^

  40. no UTENA,

    and in terms of atmosphere-setting,where’s MONSTER?

  41. Wow. I’m actually quite surprised that the OPs for Les Miserables and Haibane Renmei aren’t on there. I actually thought those were absolutely wonderful.

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