Tooi Umi Kita Kara Coo Review – 80/100

I was quite surprised to see this one pop up on Tokyo Toshokan. It’s about a boy who meets a baby-Plesiosaurus, supposed to be extinct, and the premise sounded interesting enough for me to give it a try. Unfortunately, one thing that should be noted is that the encoding-quality was very bad. Both the video- and audio-quality are very low-quality, and to make matters worse the video started going seconds out of synch quite fast. In the end I solved it by turning off the sound and playing the same file in another different player with a few seconds delay. It was quite tedious, but worth it.

The story for Coo is just like any other environmentalist movie. A boy finds strange animal, bad guys come to take it and all scientists are evil. It’s the execution, however, that made this movie something special. The characters are well-defined and developed and they’re easily likable. The start of the movie may be quite slow, but this does make sure that both the characters and the story are fleshed out well.

When the movie then starts getting exciting, it delivers. A surprising amount of detail has been put in the plans of the bad guys to get their hands on Coo (the name of the baby Plesiosaurus) and I like how the movie kept realistic while doing this. This goes on for nearly the entire airtime, but unfortunately, the movie screws up at the final climax and ends with a cheesy blatant Deus ex Machina.

Especially environmentally aware kids will love this one, though. Coo is quite unknown, but it’s quite a capable movie. It might not bring anything new to the table, but what it does, it does quite well.

One thought on “Tooi Umi Kita Kara Coo Review – 80/100

  1. man pls if u c this message pls reply to me for the name of the anime and tell me where from i can dl it 10x really ive been searching for it for months if u reply ill be 1 of the happiest ppl in this world 10x in advance 😛

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