Tiger & Bunny – 21

Okay, so Maverick’s plan myay have holes, but it’s damn fun to watch it unfold. It’s bold and imaginative, and yet not completely stupid or overly complicated, and Tiger is really going to have to put in effort in cleaning his name. This episode was wonderful in showing his confusion in trying to figure out what the hell happened. He had no reason to doubt Maverick until it really became obvious what was going on through that news broadcast, so he was constantly trying to figure out what the heck happened. His acting was excellent throughout this entire episode.

Oh, and Kaede also stole the show in this episode. She really showed a different side of hers in this episode, and I loved the way she reacted to Kotetsu’s real identity. Now, furthermore: the creators introduced her powers for a reason, meaning that she’s not simply going to play the role of hostage. I’m really looking forward to seeing how she’ll end up getting used.

Now, the big challenge for the creators will be to convincingly return everyone’s memories. We’ve already seen how Maverick’s powers work: they malfunction when they start to believe something that contradicts their fake memories. Barnaby really believed that Jake didn’t murder his parents after Kriem’s confession and the fact that there was no Ouroboros sign on Jake’s hand. In other words: this really will be up to the scriptwriters. They have to take the current cast of heroes, and make us believe that they believe that Kotetsu (a complete stranger in their minds) isn’t a murderer. This can VERY EASILY lapse into cheese.

Oh, and on hindsight, I also want to praise the creators for the use of the red herring of Dorothy. It both was a great way to give character to Sky High, explain what Barnaby’s parents were doing, and reference back to The Big O (a uniquely great but underrated series). Sunrise, I’m really glad that you’re going back to the habit you seemingly abandoned five years ago, releasing all kinds of interesting and original premises. Here once again we have a show that worked out amazingly.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

19 thoughts on “Tiger & Bunny – 21

  1. Kotetsu was extremely badass at the end in his old costume!

    I also thought the part with Karina was well done. It makes me think that towel will lay a part in ruining Mavericks plans.

  2. Very stupid, but very exciting theory:

    Lets say that Kaede or Yuri/Lunatic finds a way to get police to capture Kotetsu for questioning or at least for police to opose the heroes until figuring out what`s going on.

    Now here comes a crazy Bunny and decides that he wants to get justice by his own hands and kills/injures a couple of cops!! Now that will certaining screw up Maverick`s plan: His golden boy and King of Heroes branded as a CopKiller, and let the finale go wild!!

    It will certainly set a path for a final confrontation with Lunatic wanting to kill Bunny while Kotetsu try to stop both.

  3. @Addicted- my thoughts exactly. She might be the way the creators are going to get everyones memories back. She might have the ability to undo the false memories Maverick has implanted, or to overide the false memories.

    As to the robot girl, I think she was added to the story to not only to give Sky High and Barnaby some backround, but I think that it might have forshadowed the ‘new’ Wild Tiger. I think that the ‘replaced’ Wild Tiger is a robot. Just a theory.

  4. I have to confess that I’d lost any faith in this series if the writer indeed plan for Kaede’s power as the encounter for Maverick’s one.The amateur kid who won power lottery saves the world, again? Sorry, but I have to say no with that.

    I’m not going to bash the girl or anything like that, but she cannot even control her power, not mention to easier ability like magnetic. How can they gonna make us believe that with feeling so much cheesy? How can we sure she will not make everyone’s brain end up being wreck crap like her kitchen table?

  5. Hope i dont spoil anything, but im guessing that Maverick touching Kaede was the downfall of all his plans, if anyone knows what im talking about…

  6. Considering her power is the power to copy the power of the last NEXT she came in contact with, what do you guys think will happen after she alters the memories of the first Hero?

  7. @Belzera: That’s if you assume what the grandmother said was right. Her powers haven’t actually been fully explained, other than that she can copy other people’s powers.

  8. @hm: No. It’s just that a person being knocked out makes it far easier for Maverick to use his power with little to no trouble. Using his powers (against the other person’s will) when the individual is alert and awake would make the whole process extremely hard, probably near impossible, for him. So, he just drugs them and uses his powers then, much easier.

    As for Kaede, her powers are probably going to come into play here. They didn’t have that scene between her and Maverick put in for nothing, though I doubt that she will be the one bringing back everyone’s memories. The episodes of season one were the episodes when Kotetsu really bonded with his coworkers and he is probably going to use those experiences to jog their memories.

    Kaede may have some part in all of this, though with her powers still being so new and with her not being able to control them all that well, I doubt she is going to be the one really saving the day. She could end up being more of a hindrance and baggage (at first) for Kotetsu. I do think that she will help out her father in some way though, especially by the end of the series (though, not necessarily by the end of this episode).

  9. Maybe Kaede will be the one who restores Bunny’s memories, since he is likely to be the one least convinced and most fueled by revenge. For awesomeness, how about implanting fake memories in Maverick and make him go mad…

  10. I’m thinking that as Kaede saw Kotetsu confronting his co-workers on the television, the father-daughter reunion will come sooner rather than later. She’ll probably cause quite a mess, what with all those powers in close proximity for her to copy, and I’m guessing that’s also when Maverick’s misstep of stroking Kaede’s head will strike back at him.

    On the other hand, it was so satisfying watching Lunatic giving a hand to Kotetsu. I think the whole house heard me when I shouted in excitement at Lunatic’s arrival. And I wonder did Lunatic burn the fake Wild Tiger? If so, and if he is a robot, won’t Rock Bison, Blue Rose and Origami question why the heck Wild Tiger’s a robot? And seriously Kotetsu, if your a wanted criminal, shouldn’t you at least get out of those conspicuous clothes your wearing lol

  11. I didn’t catch Maverick touching Kaede the first time through, but that observation makes the ending seem a little obvious. Hopefully Sunrise will be able to make something better than what I imagine out of that. Either way, this was probably my favorite episode in a while.

  12. Did ‘Origami Cyclone’ moved through wall in this episode – new power ?

    @gandalf8 – he didnt destroy fake ‘Wild Tiger’ he only created firewall – later, when Barnaby was putting on his suit we can see ‘Robot-Tiger’ leaning on the wall (that posistion was ‘too human’ for robot but whatever).

  13. @Thomas: Origami Cyclone didn’t go through the wall, he shape shifted into the wanted poster. 🙂

  14. Yay for Lunatic proving to be the capable NEXT he is .. glad he and Kotetsu only took one episode to figure out what was going on .. good to have a series with smart characters that use their brains and deduction skills (can’t wait to see Kotetsu’s face though when he knows who Lunatic was, who was his father and what happened between the two .. that will be one hell of an episode).

    Also .. i missed the potential of the Maverick touching Kaede scene .. actually i was more worried he might kidnap her and use her to blackmail Kotetsu complicating things further .. but it seems that the downfall of Maverick is that he didn’t study Kotetsu’s personal life enough that he didn’t even recognize Kotetsu’s daughter or know he had old friends.

    And i’m sick of hearing complaints .. “Kaede is going to save the day .. ahhhhhhh, NOOOO” . … guys .. have some faith in the writers .. this series is shaping up to be one of the best and most entertaining Sunrise series in a long time .. and the Kaede/Maverick scene was really a well played scene .. i salute the writer.

    She will surely play a role in reversing the effect of Maverick powers but i don’t think she will do it single-handedly.

    Besides .. Kotetsu speaking with the heroes about their personal lives can very easily disrupt Maverick ability effects as seen with Blue Rose (if it wasn’t for that stupid new Tiger breaking the wall)… there is NOTHING cheesy about this … we have seen this happen with Barnaby before .. solid facts kill the effect of the fake memories !!!!

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