Tiger & Bunny – 15

Here it is: the long-awaited Sky-High episode. And it was worth the wait! It’s finally time to really get to know him.

And again, this episode somehow did it while also delivering a bunch of really nice twists to the plot. Skyhigh here actually gets to show why he used to be the king of heroes: he’s far from as active as the Dragon Kid for example, but his powers are by far the strongest out of all of the heroes out there. It’s really interesting how, while he’s an interesting character, most of his awesome points have just been hinted towards and that makes for a really interesting character, especially since this episode focuses on his flaws. And builds some romance around him. That also really was awesome.

I’m not sure whether this was intentional or not, but that robot actually has this really similar voice as Dorothy from the Big O. It’s really bizarre, especially considering their parts and personalities in both series are totally different, but they do speak with this similar tone. She also was animated really well, by the way.

Also, if this were a shounen series, then Tiger is about to get a huge power up. In this series however, where his powers are anything but conventional aside from the fact that he’s really strong, anything can happen. I’d actually really want to see Tiger lose his powers for real, without the creators pulling some Deus ex Machna as an excuse to make him stronger.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

7 thoughts on “Tiger & Bunny – 15

  1. The creator of the Big O is the director of Tiger and Bunny. Sunrise also did work for Batman the Animated Series. You can definitely see the influences, huge destructive fights, revenge for murdered parents, etc.

    I hope he finally get’s the budget he deserves without interference now that T and B is huge.

    The Big O had to add more giant robot fights because they needed more toy selling potential and T and B was a D-team production with enormous product placement that was expected to fail.

  2. that robot actually has this really similar voice as Dorothy from the Big O.

    It’s not just similar, they actually hired the SAME voice actress, Akiko Yajima. 🙂

  3. Yeah, I also got some Big O flashbacks when watching this episode. Dorothy really leaves an impression on you.

    Anyway, this was a good episode, although I am a bit bummed that bunny’s parents research is brought up now, in the same episode we see an android. Seems kinda convenient. It would have been better if it was mentioned in the previous arc.

  4. Yeah, there were other small references to that film in this episode including the scene describing the scientists past.

    I also enjoyed the other small details in this episode, such as Sky High falsely remembering “Dorothy’s” smiling face during his fight. Really shows how desperate he was and his projections onto her.

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