Tiger & Bunny – 08

This episode really took me by surprise at how good it was, and it did that multiple times, actually. I mean, holy crap, this episode just kept throwing twists and turns, and even the mood just kept changing throughout the episode. You’ll never know what this show will focus on next. This time, we’ve gotten ourselves an Origami episode.

I love how Origami turned out to be completely different from his Superhero persona. Before this, he always stayed in the shadows, but he seemed like another quirky guy, but it was almost cute to see what kind of a pessimist he actually was, on top of being the worst ranked superhero out there (also subverting another cliche of the lead character either being the best, semi-best or worst out there). On top of that, this episode also gave a different meaning to Lunatic by having him mot kill some random stranger, but instead an old friend of Origami (that guy also got some interesting development despite only appearing in one episode, by the way).

The parts at the superhero academy had me in stitches. This episode indeed confirmed that it’s difficult to become a superhero like that, but I did not expect to see these incredibly stupid and pointless powers out there, from being able to stretch out facial skin to sweating really badly. In a way, it does make sense: if people are born randomly with useful powers like in Tiger’s case, there also will be probably even more people born with pointless powers that are only good for a novelty act. Heck, Origami’s powers are completely different from what I expected: his powers are mostly just useless in this kind of setting. He should have been a secret agent or something.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

6 thoughts on “Tiger & Bunny – 08

  1. Haha I thought the same thing once I saw Origami’s powers. If he joined the CIA or FBI his powers would make him awesome. But they have no applications in a straight up fight.

    I’m really liking how they’ve played up Tiger as a father figure to the supporting cast. Usually a guy like that would have only a supporting role at best, especially in anime. Seeing a series push that type into the lime light has had awesome results so far.

  2. Really the world these characters live in is quite sad. First you have people with those strange powers. They obviously would be shunned by society, but then the corporations and the public give someone like Tiger crap, when he is comparatively awesome.

    I really liked the contrast between the 3 superheroes advice, BTW.

  3. This episode was very entertaining to watch, especially the focus on the “only staying in the background” hero, Origami Cyclone. Still, I can’t give this episode the thumbs up, due to the lame action choreography and crude fight animation. This is most apparent during Lunatic’s first attack on Edward and Origami Cyclone. The story and humour are the greatest strengths of this series, so if they polished up a bit the fight choreography, I think this can become a great series.

  4. This is superhero series only Japan can come out with: glamorous, pokes fun at commercialism, and can still educate with straight face.

    Best series of the season?

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