The Third – 11 – Gravestone

Great to see another episode of The Third released. Thanks a lot to FnT for subbing it. This episode was another great one. 🙂

Last episode, we saw the strange huge glowing thing. This time, Honoka, Boogie, Paife and Ikus get trapped inside of it. The thing seems to be Gravestone. I’m not exactly sure what it is, but it seems that it’s a young boy with special powers. After the great war, he went to sleep. When Ikus came to this planet, he accidentally woke him up. Right now, Gravestone has been engulfed by hatred, and plans to destroy the earth which is planning to destroy him.

Especially Paife got a healthy dose of character development this time. It seems that she was so interested in Honoka, a few episodes back, that she begged the employer to let her go with her. She’s become really interested in Honoka. Ikus reckons that the two of them are on very good terms, because of all their bickering. After all, they like talking happily about each other’s flaws.

I’m not sure what Gravestone wants with Honoka. He’s been calling her, but why? And why does he send the Honoka-clone after her? Perhaps it’s because she was cast away from The Third? It also seems that she’s still haunted by having killed a human. That should prove to be very interesting. Jouganki and the other Third also have an interesting discussion. It seems that both of them are more interested in Honoka than they’re in Ikus. Just what is Honoka? What’s her secret?

The next episode should promise to be very awesome. But what’s up with the rumours about episode 13 being very bad? I hope they aren’t true.

0 thoughts on “The Third – 11 – Gravestone

  1. I’ve heard the ep13 rumor somewhere too. It’s got me a little worried. On the other hand, anime fans have a tendency to overreact (eg Haruhism). I’m not sure, but I got the impression that the boy in the big glowing thingy is an artificial weapon of some short.

  2. Well, as it seems from this episodes prequel – the young boy was a victim from the great war – his “spirit” is now somehow trapped in this “dimension shifting” weapon.

    It was a great episode, makes The Third one of the best newcoming series (if not the best).
    And about the story teller, just accept his blabbling. ^^’

  3. I thik he’s more than just a young boy, though. After all, why did he, of all persons get trapped? And why does he call out for Honoka?

    And the storyteller is great. I can’t see why people hate him.

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