The Third – 06 – Disappointing Fight, Unfortunately

Hmm, not as good as the previous episode, but that can be because the fight that took up most of the episode featured Honoka going berserk. This isn’t always a good idea, as it abandons all kinds of strategy. Still, the aftermath resolved this in a really good way. Millie was awesome again, and we learn a few more things about Bogie, Ikus and Joganki.

The great thing about the fight was that we saw yet another side of Honoka. She really was too angry to concentrate, which didn’t work too well along with her injured wrist. I loved the way she totally wasted the opportunities she had with the PSP. Still, the fight remained boring, unfortunately. It just contained Honoka trying to hit the Blue Breaker for a bit too long of a period. Luckily, Millie managed to resolve this into a good ending in the end. Honoka also really has learned from this experience, so with a bit of luck, she’ll use her head even more, get even stronger, and provide more awesomeness in future episodes.

Ikus also provided a nice twist. It seems that he’s the first recorded species of a sentient alien. So that means, that aside from humans and The Third, there’s a third party somewhere out there. It doesn’t seem to be hostile yet, but it can really take the story at a lot of possible directions. There’s also got to be a reason why he sought Honoka, and why he was sent to Earth in the first place. These aliens also must be quite smart, if the likes of them are able to stay out of The Third’s sight. I’m quite interesting to learn more of them.

Bogie indeed remains a machine, but he does remain an awesome one. His AI is extremely high developed, so that he can even begin to feel emotions. He also reveals that he considers himself as Honoka’s guardian. This might be because she bought him, and they kindof grew to each other, but there also might be another reason for this. It’s, by the way, very nice that the creators made such a good use of a poem. It fits perfectly, and it blends extremely well into the story.

Joganki seems a strange case. In the last episode, Honoka revealed that he wanted her for her power, but this episode it becomes clear that there’s another reason that he wants her. Could the two of them be related somehow? I can really see this guy becoming Honoka’s father. In any case, he does hold her dear in some way, otherwise he wouldn’t worry about her like that, act so friendly around her, and he would use a bit more desperate measures in order to catch her. It also seems that he and the woman share the same rank. This means that they both make important decisions, but they both have to work right next to each other. This also means that they aren’t the leaders of The Third. We have yet to see the guy who is. I can see him becoming a major bad guy in the future.

Overall, a nice episode, but I know that The Third can do much better. It did provide some nice material for future episodes, though.

0 thoughts on “The Third – 06 – Disappointing Fight, Unfortunately

  1. Suddenly, with this episode, this series is coming off as preachy, even though there’s no actual theme being shoved in our faces.

    The poetry verges on the superfluous at times.

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