The Semi-final against Metanorn

Hey everyone, there are just four blogs left in the Aniblog Tourney. This match is going to be special, because for the first time in all of the matches that Star Crossed has participated in, things actually might become a close call. Metanorn has been sweeping away all of its opponents, and it’s definitely a force to be reckoned with. Be sure to check it out, before voting, here:

24 thoughts on “The Semi-final against Metanorn

  1. 3 years ago I started reading psgels after I had trouble sampling anime. Now I’m voting for him. Surreal.

    Well done. Totally has my vote.

  2. I checked most of the anime blogs competing against psgels in the aniblog tourney. I wanna say that I really admire this blog’s simplicity. So much easier for me.

    1. Agree with this! And the simplicity of the design. I love not having to click READ ON in order to read any post..

  3. Been a long time reader but not a commenter. However, when I vote it says that I’m behind a proxy. WTF?

  4. Best of luck. Whether you win the contest or not, yours is still the only one that I still follow after so long, keep it up 🙂

  5. Wow. After experiencing this website the others in the competition look so cluttered and inaccessible. Star Crossed is very well designed.

  6. I usually don’t post here, but I’m rooting for you. I just..don’t like Metanorn it’s too cramped full of stuff – a stark contrast here.

  7. Looks like you lost by about 15 votes, even though the poll lists it as 50/50

    From what Ive seen there are lots of haters just because you were the previous winner, so Im not surprised they would vote for Metanorn instead

    1. It was a very tough match and though, we campaigned hard, till the last minute no one was sure, who would make it to final. Thank you for making this an awesome experience and playing along.

      For the commentors on ‘haters’. There is no site loved by all, there will always be hater but then there will always be supporters who stick around and make it a community with like-minded discussion (just like what psgels has after years of aniblogging). I for one, respect him for it and cheer on the community. There is no reason to ‘hate’ because there will always be fandom discussion in the ‘sphere in different flavours too. 🙂

    2. Unfortunately, Star Crossed lost… but you have to admit the contender was really good, Metanorn won, if only by a slight advantage, because of its own merits.

  8. Aww… I was pretty sure psgels would’ve won over that site. Star Crossed is much more… pleasing to the eye in my opinion. Oh well, psgels is cool so all is well I guess =w= /shot

    I’ll still follow you whatever happens haha xD

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