The Law of Ueki – 44

Ah, of course, Ueki was doing all this in order to reach level 2. I almost forgot, between the awesomeness of seeing Rinko, Sano and Mori fight. This episode wasn’t really anything special. Ueki fights, Ueki gets beaten, tension rises, last possible moment, Ueki finds his level 2. It’s a pity that the show must obey certain rules when an important plot-part arrives. The creators managed to solve this extremely good with Marilyn, though this time, they failed. I was hoping for Ueki to use his tree powers in a very creative way, but I was wrong. I guess he still relied too much on the power of his sacred treasures in order to fully utilize his tree-powers… but that sounds weird, as you need to fully control your powers in order to reach level… in any case, the creators had a bad day.

0 thoughts on “The Law of Ueki – 44

  1. You’re crazy. This was an excellent episode. Ueki’s level 2 was a great reveal. This is what you call shonen anime done right.

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