The Law of Ueki – 43

What the friggin’ heck!?!

Okay, the cliffhanger in this episode is officially the most annoying one yet. I mean, what happened to him to make that happen…? Okay, this was certainly the last thing I would ever have expected from a show of this nature… But then again, he’ll probably find even more power than he had before, but still, I had a serious wtf-feeling after this episode ended.

Anyway, this episode instantly covered three fights, focusing on Mori’s one. What happens when you let an 178-IQ-person meet up with Mori’s power? Some incredibly hilarious scenes. The fight was pretty short for shounen-series-standards, which made it even more enjoyable to see. It was just horribly funny to see a serious person like that guy being turned into a glasses lover, and trying all kinds of ways to outsmarten her. I just loved the way Mori countered all of these plans.

The other fights both featured Sano. That one surprised me, as I would’ve thought that every team member would get a chance to fight, but it seems that Hideyoshi is left out of the action in this arc, just like Rinko in the previous one. I’m wondering what will become of him in the last couple of episodes. I just know that there’ll still be a moment for him to stand in the spotlights, as he’s the only weak person remaining in the team.

Anyway, Sano’s a huge victim in this episode. It doesn’t seem like he’s been killed, but I bet he’s going to wake up with a nice headache. The fact that Ueki’s been chosen for the last and decisive match, has of course been predictable, but the cliffhanger totally made up for that. It’s also nice that Ueki ‘s very silent in audience. This made this and the previous episode a rather main-character-less period, which is always good for a series, so it can focus on the side-characters a bit more.

0 thoughts on “The Law of Ueki – 43

  1. I definitly approve of this anime. The creativity and comedy made for a blissful combo only anime can provide. Works for all ages and worth watching. I would love to find another anime with as much creativity. Please email me any suggestions at
    Thanks Zoe

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