The Law of Ueki – 40

Okay, this was officially the best episode EVER! Mori shines like no other, she gets to fight again, and FINALLY discovers her power. There has never been an episode in which I laughed more and harder than in this one. Partially because of Mori’s very *ahem* “peculiar” power, including the way she hopelessly tried to guess what it was, and the way she finally found it out belongs to the Most-Hilarious-Moments-In-Anime-List. Kami-sama was just awesome again, just as the way the creators thought up to make the other team members not to interfere with Mori’s fight. The cliffhanger in the previous episode was just horribly misleading, but that only adds up to the awesomeness of this episode. Rihou was also just hilarious. It’s a very good thing that even the most serious guy like him can get surprised like that.

I just love the way that these kinds of fights, who begin serious, end up so creative. Each and everyone of the fivesome goes down in the most enjoyable way ever. Thanks to the incredible creativity of the authors.

The second half of the episode went back to the main plot (after all, we’re finally down to the last quarter of the series. Something had to happen). We apparently learn that Anon wants to fight Ueki at his strongest, so he decides to let them skip the weak enemies. Or it could just have been a way for the creators to keep the caption team out of the picture. Anyway, the next couple of episodes will feature the fight against the mysterious masked guys. It wasn’t really surprising when I found out for whom they worked… Anyway, that will be the last team Ueki has to face, after which the main plot will probably kick in. But still. These masked persons, they look so serious. I watched Ueki for too long to not doubt this…

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