The Law of Ueki – 36

Ooh, how awesome. For a minute I was afraid that they were going to let Ueki have all the fights, but right after his first scene, it became clear that this was going to be a Sano/Mori/Hideyoshi episode. You’ll get what I mean with this if you watch the episode.

Anyway, I loved this. Both teams have really creative plans (and powers too), and each plan is extremely well though-out, without becoming too vague. It was really noticable that everything was used to its full extend.

As Marylin seems to be superpowerful, I guess the creators wanted to wait a bit until showing her in battle. The reason they used to keep her away from it is pretty creative, especially when you take the last episode and Ueki’s "adventures" in account.

Anyway, the next episode probably features Ueki getting back again. I so hope it’s not at the last possible moment. Anyway, I’m extremely curious about the coming roles of Mori and Hideyoshi. If they get to shine in the coming episodes, it’ll certainly be great. 🙂

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