The Law of Ueki – 34

I was so busy with my rant from last time that I completely forgot about the new intro. It actually reveals quite a lot of things that will be coming in the following episodes, including the introduction of a few new interesting-ooking characters (or just old characters with a new haircut). I have no idea though why they included the scene of Marylin collapsing right at the beginning of th eopening… will there be something special about this? Rinko and Mori also begin to look more and more like the ladies-in-distress, who Ueki and the others have to rescue. This is such a pity, because their amazing personalities deserve way more than that. I’m wondering who the crying kid might be. It is a bit hard to see in such greyscales, but nobody in the show has similar eyebrows… Anyway, he or she looks like an interesting character. It also seems like we get to see God fighting in action. That will be interesting to see, I can’t wait for it, but it’ll probably be featured somewhere in the later episodes. I’m just a bit worried about the fact that Ueki is going to have wings… it seems awefully cliché… especially when you see him save a falling Mori…

Anyway, about the episode. Thank god this one was better then last time. I know again why I liked Kobayashi’s charcter so much. He’s just awesome. The new opponents also seem very interesting, especially during their introductions. The last team was a team about artists, this team is a team about soldiers. It works pretty well, and I really liked the way Ueki tricked everyone to buy the others some time. It really shows that the bad guys aren’t perfect as well. It also offers lots of possibilities for the next couple of episodes.

0 thoughts on “The Law of Ueki – 34

  1. Know I’m late here… but I’ve revently been watching this series now too. The only thing about this episode that irked me was… they sent Yotchan to communicate with Kobayashi a.nd Wanko…. so why didnt they just ask THERE what Ai’s new power is?

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