The Future of This Blog

The future of this blog: I have no idea, to be honest. Tomorrow I’m going to say goodbye to my lazy student life, and start a five-month internship. It’s going to be the first time in my life in which I’m full time busy with something. After that, I’m planning to find a job, and move out of my father’s house. 2010 is very likely going to be the year with the biggest amount of change in my life, and I’m going to have much less time to work on this blog.

However, I have no idea how much that amounts to. I have no idea whether I’ll still have the time or energy to blog twelve series every week, and I may have to cut back on that amount. In the same way, I don’t think you can expect me to churn out reviews on other anime at the same speed that I’ve been doing for the past years now. If there are delays in posting, it’s also simply because I won’t have as much time on my hand as I once had.

However, I do want you to know that I have no intention to simply quit this blog. At this point I like blogging and the community too much to just go on a permanent hiatus and stop writing. Unfortunately, with my life about to go through huge changes and with the anime industry gearing more and more towards moe and fanservice, I have no idea how I will be thinking about this in a year’s time.

As for my to-watchlist, I might as well give you an update on its status, for when I do get the chance to watch more of it, I’m about to get to the stuff I’ve been really looking forward to: when I started it out, combining it with any additions I made in the process, I had a list of 209 series to go through. At this point there are only 63 series on that list left. As soon as I get to fifty I can get to the stuff that I’ve really been looking forward to (you know, the Honey&Clovers, etc). First I still want to finish off a few sequels or spinoffs before that, though.

43 thoughts on “The Future of This Blog

  1. I’m a bit saddened by this news, but your personal life does come first though!

    I hope everything goes well for you and you still have some time to blog the shows you want. 🙂

  2. first: good job for arriving where you are now! You have the best anime blog in the net!

    Secondly, my opinion is that you should stop blogging the series weekly, considering that right now they aren’t even so worth blogging. You should focus on what you really want to watch and post your reviews only. Like you said, there are hundreds of good old anime waiting for you to be watched. My advice is: you have watched even decent anime till now, it’s time to start watch only the ones you think are worthy.

  3. Good luck for the year 2010 psgsels. I’m in similar situation this year.

    I base most of my watching on your blog and you have lead me to many anime gems. So thanks for that.

  4. Good luck on your internship. Those kind of experiences will definitely help when you are looking for a regular job. Based on personal experience, chances are you won’t be that busy, but it’s different for everyone.

  5. Well, that is… a bummer! I’ve always admired your constancy and took you as a role model for my own blog. Even now, when I want to start an old series I search your archive for underrated gems. Hope you will find time to write your reviews and wish you best luck to your career.

  6. I’ve always admired your blog ever since I found it 3 years ago, and some of your reviews inspired me to watch some anime listed here (such as Haibane Renmei and Now And Then Here And There). I hope your future will be very bright. And yeah, you’re right, the anime industry HAS been turning toward nothing but too much moe and fan-service. What happened to the golden ages in anime? What happened to all the GOOD anime? Someday, I hope to change all that. Maybe others are thinking the same thing. I hope you never forget about your interest in anime and work towards your future with a positive outlook while making sure your blog doesn’t die.

  7. Good luck with your internship. I’ve also started to get very busy recently and have little time for anime-related things. I like your blog, I think your episodic posts are top-notch, some of the best out there. Consistently high quality. Try not to burn yourself out, you might grow to actually hate the process if self-forced.

  8. I’m a fan of your blog. I’ve appreciated that it sometimes blogs shows others don’t, e.g. Cross Game, and often has a unique perspective. Cut back if you must, but please don’t stop entirely.

    @Firechick: With anime companies targeting otaku and having their broadcast time between 11PM-4AM, I’m not the least surprised at the level of moe and fanservice. It will change again as otaku tastes change. I have a friend in Japan who admitted to liking anime, but at the same time firmly stated “I not otaku!” Seems there is a perceived connection.

  9. I am glad to hear you don’t plan to stop blogging. But of course RL is more important than anime. 🙂

    Maybe only blog your top favorite series each season as a suggestion.

  10. Good luck! I’ve stopped reading anime blogs for the most part, but I still follow yours! Your life is still priority, but I’m glad you’ll still blog. =) There aren’t that many shows of interest this season anyways..

  11. Good luck! The sheer bulk of activity on this blog is remarkable and I have to add I think you’re probably the most devoted anime blogger going. So, it’ll break my heart if this blog dies, but there’s really no way you can sustain a full-time job and your current pace of watching anime/reviews. Still, I’m sure you’ll find the balance (I’m still trying to find it myself!)

  12. You probably know by now how many people read this blog, not because they wanted to know more about anime in general, but how is a certain anime is perceived by someone else. Most people here would like to know if other people also loved the series they adored. You’ve come a long way now and stopping would really be such a shame. I wish you good luck, both with your job and this blog.

  13. Good luck with your ambitions and stepping out into the real world. Im sure most of your regular readers like myself will still follow your blog from time to time regardless of how little you may be forced to write. Glad you are not planning on stopping anytime soon, as we enjoy your input and views expressed in your reviews. Hope the internship goes well 🙂

  14. I´m happy you are still willing to continue blogging despite starting with working. Good luck, and I´m looking forward to more reviews. Even if they come slower, I won´t mind at all 🙂

  15. As someone who spends way too much time here, I will of course hate to see a reduction in your output. Our tastes are quite similar a lot of the time, and I’ve found so many wonderful series through your writings, hundreds of them. As I moved from occasional viewing of anime and watching what had been re-broadcast in English on cartoon network, towards watching fansubbed anime as my primary source of entertainment as well and then towards keeping up with the latest series as they air in japan, your blog was my guide and helped keep me from getting lost amidst all the crap out there.
    I will continue to visit frequently, and even if you were forced to cut back to a couple shows a season, I will still read whatever you have to say because I respect your opinion.
    Best of luck to you as you enter this new phase in your life. Leaving behind those lazy student days is always a big change, however, you may find that it isn’t as difficult a transition as you imagine. Take care out there my friend. Ganbattene!

  16. I found this blog about 3 years ago, not sure what it means to you but yours was the first ani-blog to go to my bookmarks 🙂

    wish you well, and good luck …

  17. Great anime blog one of the best if not the best on the web, hands down.

    My suggestion is that you put together a staff to help you blog and start advertising. At this point you have nothing else to lose.

  18. Folks, no man is an island. If you want this blog to continue why not seek some friends who share the same love of anime to contribute. It doesn’t even have to be the blogger himself here. Anyone can get together and create their own blog site. I always found it insane that one person would take up the task to filter out all the good and bad shows out there. Especially with anime companies hurting and choosing to play it safe these days.Right now, more than even, there really needs to be more blogs out there on anime (correction, blogs that are written by fans who know how to critic AND write well). As a fan since the rise and fall of Animerica I don’t really see that much these days.

  19. I’m not sure if more of a staff would be that good, most sites that do this tend to lose their “personal touch.” I’d say at the most only 1-2 other bloggers if this ever does happen.

  20. I’m amazed (and grateful )you managed to watch and blog so many series at the same time and for so long, some of my top favourites recent anime I discovered mainly thanks to your reviews, even when our opinions were different.
    Good luck with the internship, and in finding a balance that allows you to keep blogging without burning out as well 🙂 (even if it meant blogging few series and opting for a not episode-by-episode weekly format).
    I’m very curious to see your watchlist, also to know what reviews we might expect from you in the future. Do post it when you have time ^^.

  21. I have not been checking this blog for long but I can really see that you have a great opinion. No one here will condemn you for not writing as often and focusing on real life. It’s a very smart choice. And you have earned it.

    This season is pretty poor. So I agree with a few of the comments here saying to blog whatever you like. You introduced me to Birdy the mighty encode(A show I never would have checked out otherwise) and I loved it. I truly thank you for your work.

    By the way just to give a heads up. It’s possible that next season there will be an anime called “Deadman wonderland” I have read the manga and I can say that if this is adapted correctly then it could be something really great. The manga got the anime green light a while ago. The art is similar to Eureka seven as it has got the same artists who worked on the Eureka seven manga. So there still hope that anime won’t descend into the deep pit of Moe and fan service.

  22. Good luck with your internship. Since I read all the time I’m glad to hear you still intend to continue blogging and I hope you’re able to balance the two so that you can continue to do so.

  23. I love your reviews and I’m glad you plan on continuing your blog. Less than 12 series at a time might not be the worst idea ever indeed lol (i’m unemployed at the moment and spending it watching a whole fucking lot of anime, and I don’t believe I manage watching as many series as you do). Good luck with the internship 🙂

  24. Like others, I think that you don’t need to maintain this level of output for the blog to be successful. I’m pretty sure you will find ways of blogging what really interests you, while pursuing your “real life” goals.

    I read this blog to discover interesting anime to watch, and it would not be the end of the world if the number of posts declined, as long as you keep telling us about new findings you like.

  25. Well, good luck with it all, such a shame this blog wont be as active, I love reading your reviews because they’re so descriptive and our opinions are often the same. I always use your blog to decide what to watch in a new season, and what classic anime to watch.
    Keep up the good work, and good luck with the internship

  26. Best of luck with your internship and your job! I just love your blog and I hope you will find time to pursue it, it’s like the best thing on the web for me. But, I have some similar fears at the moment, well, once student life ends ( and it won’t take too long), there will be the issue of the job and responsibilities, and I don’t know if there will be a consequent amount of time left for animated series. But I guess, there always will be a time when we’ll get to do what we enjoy the most! Anyway, I’m glad you don’t plan to quit , if you could give your first impressions ( on worthwhile series) and reviews , even if they have a big delay , it doesn’t matter, as long as you write them, that really would make us happy! Your blog is definitely the best and that won’t change!

  27. Psgels, whatever you do, please don’t stop blogging. I’m guess your main concern is time, so here are some suggestions to save time without stopping this blog.

    1) Blog less series. I never really counted, but you blog around 6, 7, 8 series every week. Blogging about 3 or 4 will save you alot of time.

    2) Or you could stop doing episode by episode review, instead do a more detailed monthly review. Or even a seasonal review instead. Only do episodic reviews if you found an anime is really worth your time.

    3) Worst come worst, just slow down on your anime watching to a few series per season. You had a big list, and you manage to finish large amount, so I guess you can let that list build up again.

    You built a community, even a fanbase around your blog. Your blog is currently ranked no.4 if I search for the term anime blog. People started watching anime they never heard of because of your blog. Its a pity to see all that go away. However I can’t force you to do anything. Good luck in your internship and may you find time to continue blogging.

  28. Especially with the industry doing more moe and fanservice, you can really sit down and relax as there is less anime for you to watch and blog about.

  29. I wish you the best of luck – I’m in a similiar situation right now 😉
    I just started my 6-month-intern, yet I still have to write two university exams in the next two weeks, and after that there is the issue of my diploma…and all that while doing a full-time job. Whooza! That’s going to be a lot of work, but afterwards I’m done (and will see if I can enter into Master-studies..).
    Take your time and don’t let this blog keep you back – as much as I enjoy it 🙂

  30. I know how you feel. I’m afraid in two years, when I graduate, that I won’t be able to write anymore, or even worse, not have time to watch anime altogether. Keep up the good work though, I’ve always enjoyed your blog.

  31. Well, um, good luck with your internship and the best of luck in RL (Grrr at repeating what everyone else has said xD)I actually stumbled across your blog around 2007 and had been influenced greatly by this (both good and the funny times xD) and am glad to have met this blog (and you too!) as well. So have a good one out there!

  32. wow good luck with your internship. ur blog has been truly inspiring and a fantastic read, and has been one of the reasons why i started my own. best wishes and keep watching anime!

  33. I’m the fan of your blog for a long time..
    Now It’s time for me to appeared.
    I glad that we have the people who blog anime that not sterotype at all. and have some of nice system like rating or many interesing opinion.It’s great to see !

    Now I looking forward to your blogging more and more !
    Good luck with your internship.
    Don’t work to hard.

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