Tamayura – More Aggressive – 05 – 07

Something weird happened. Like, I watched these three episodes over the course of multiple days (time issues), and now that I’m sitting down and writing an entry after watching episode 07, I realize that I have no clue anymore about what episodes 05 and 06 were about. Seriously, I remember dreaming away a bit and all, and they went on a trip… thingy… but apart from that I’m blank.

Now, there are two possible reasons for this:
1) My memory is degrading really badly.
2) Nothing worth remembering happened in these two episodes.

While I fully admit that my memory isn’t perfect, it’s time to give a bit of a critical eye to this second season of Tamayura, and mostly the big picture: what exactly is the point of this sequel? At the beginning, this seemed to be about Potte starting her own club, and taking her passions further by standing out of her comfort zone. Beyond that though… what else?

We have this new selection of characters… who are there but have yet to make a lasting impression. The cast beyond Potte made no development whatsoever so far; like, has anything been added to their characters, AT ALL in this second season?

In the meantime I’m still dreaming away with that awesome soundtrack, but what were the characters doing in this episode for example? Potte entered a competition, they attended a festival, they went to Potte’s childhood friend… haven’t we seen this in some way before or am I going crazy? To me it really seems like this show is just repeating itself. Though granted, the ending wwas charming.

Why did I originally like this series? It’s because it did more than most slice of life series about a bunch of random girls: it had strucuture, and characters who felt charming and had depth. I feel like that depth and energy is missing in this sequel. Or more like, it lacks: it’s not completely absent, but not fully there either.

Comparing this to Aria The Natural, Aria’s second season: that series was rather tough to get through due to how slow it was, but it was varied, and it continued to add to its cast. And it didn’t do this just by introducing a bunch of new characters, but also slowly building further upon the main cast. When is More Aggressive going to do that?
Rating: 4/8 (Nice)

3 thoughts on “Tamayura – More Aggressive – 05 – 07

  1. Sometimes Tamayura feels a bit too much like moe girls being moe somehow ending up in really lovely situations with sparkles in the air.

    You hit spot on with Aria the Natural, but once you (sometimes struggle) make it through Natural you are rewarded with the most amazing thing which is Origination. I feel that’s part of why I can’t get into Tamayura. I never feel as rewarded as (example) Aria after finishing an episode, where I feel as if I could walk outside and find something wonderful sitting right there.

  2. I somehow disagree with psgels…the past few episodes, especially the last one was really heartwarming. Tamayura is one of the best slice of life I’ve seen…better than Aria. I finished with the first season of Aria and started with the second, but it’s too slow and boring to continue. I’ve heard many reviews saying Aria the Origination is the best of the lot, but I havent reached till that point. Maybe it’s only you,psgles, with your busy schedule and tons of anime watching/blogging that you are missing the touch which Tamayura delivers.

  3. I think the past couple of episodes were spent developing the father figure, rather than any of the actual cast members. However, my memory of the first season is kinda fuzzy, so I don’t really remember how much this was done the first time around.

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