Suteki Tantei Labyrinth – 15

Someone, shoot me. I’m actually beginning to like this series. I’m not sure what it is with the cheese of this anime, with both the male and female fanservice and its rather eccentric script-writers, but I really liked this episode and its twists.

There was lots of character-development in this episode, as Mayuki tries to return to the house in which he was born, and Byakko goes off on her own. There’s still no sign whatsoever of Mayuki’s father, but it seems that Seiran grew up as a servant to a wealthy family, and he was quite close to Mayuki’s mother. The latter died when Mayuki was barely a year old, and the head of the family (who knew about the Hyugake Gentoushu) entrusted Mayuki to Seiran to take care of. Ever since, Seiran has been taking care of Mayuki (too cute, by the way), though we’ve now reached the point where Mayuki is old enough to think on his own and enters the wondrous world of “puberty”.

I’m also glad that Byakko finally became something more than just “that woman who screws up Mayuki’s investigations”. She always striked me as the impatient type, and this doesn’t work quite well with her master. I’m glad to see that she’s finally showing a mind of her own.

But seriously, scriptwriters:
Do NOT make her end up becoming one of the good guys.

Really, I see these guys crazy enough to attempt such a twist. Still, I’m surprised at how small the part of Mayuki’s classmates has become. They hardly appear at any important moment. That’s something you wouldn’t suspect after watching the first few episodes.

And on an side-note: am I the only one who wondered about the point of those five very suspicious looking characters, who sat in the backseat of the bus? When I saw it for the first time, I was certain that it was one of Seiju’s tricks again, but after that they never showed up again. I mean, the ENTIRE bus was empty, except for these guys! It’s getting funnier the more I think about it.

Speaking of funny… the ending cracked me up majorly. ^^;

3 thoughts on “Suteki Tantei Labyrinth – 15

  1. “Someone, shoot me. I’m actually beginning to like this series.”

    I think this might be my favorite intro to any of your blog entries lol

  2. lool. anyways, I think it’s more evident that Mayuki’s classmates are simply side characters in the manga, given how they were introduced not until the later volumes (volume 3, after Seiju was captured, from what I can remember).

    I just wonder what more surprises await us in this show… 🙂

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