Supernatural The Animation – 10

Dean has always been the best character of this series. It’s probably because this episode was entirely focused on Sam who got a crush on a woman he only barely met that this really caught my attention and all… but what the heck is up with the moon in this series?

It’s not even the “Nya-nya-nya”-song that got to me the most here. This is just one of those stories that… just doesn’t make any sense. First of all there’s that thing of a full moon multiple days in a row. I first thought that the creators were sneakily skipping around months at a time without telling us, until that last part of the episode. I mean, how else could that wound that Dean inflicted on her arm have healed so quickly?

A few of these things that don’t make any sense are of course fine, but in this episode they just kept piling up. This also was full of those strange coincidences: when you look outside the window you suddenly see her stalker. When you knock on her door you’re just in time to prevent her from killing herself.

Furthermore, a werewolf is a vicious creature. How did it manage to sneak past Sam in the first place? I mean, I know that Sam is troubled by his hormones and all, but he should have noticed a werewolf sneaking past him, going back to bed and changing back like nothing’s happened. Do werewolves usually do that? Bending around the rules of folklore is of course okay, but this shouldn’t be done with the purpose to fill up plotholes.

I also have no idea what Dean meant when he was trying to explain why the girl didn’t change into a werewolf when they were keeping an eye on her. His first explanation makes sense: block the moon from her and she’s not going to do anything (leaving aside that most people close their curtains when they go to sleep), but why did he suddenly bring up that puddle of water? What did that have to do with anything?

On a final note, Sam took his obsession over Jessica a tad too far in this episode. I know he’s sad and all, but it’s a good thing that this episode portrayed a crazy stalker, because otherwise I would have definitely made him out for one. He was just creepy here in his devotion.
Rating: – (Disappointing)

6 thoughts on “Supernatural The Animation – 10

  1. In the episode that this was based on, Madison didn’t transform because she stayed awake all night (no clouds covering the moon crap) and I think werewolves in that episode transformed more than once a month. It’s a pity since the original ep was one of my favorites. Sam didn’t come off as creepy in it and the ending was heartbreaking ;_;

  2. Just wanted to say that the reason why Dean mentioned the puddle is because puddle->rain->rain clouds that blocked the moon.

  3. When they started singing that Nya-nya song I thought ‘What the hell?’ I had to skip past it because it was so cringe worthy. As other people have said, the original was a really good episode, but I think time constraints (going from a 35-ish min liveaction episode to just 23min for the anime) means they have to cut a lot. Usually for the worse.

  4. Sadly many things of this otherwise quite well done werewolf story had to be left out because of time restraints…
    In the original series a werewolf is always in danger of transforming, only the intensity of the transformation changes depending on the lunar cycle and peaks on a full moon. That means that the whole week around a full moon is a dangerous time.

    Sometimes I think it would have been better if they had split some stories into two episodes maybe…or ditched the original stories altogether.

  5. I think they should have made this a two or three part episode it just felt like they crammed everything in to one.

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