Steins;Gate – 17

Talk abOUt a bloody moral dilemma here. Whereas the previous episode was all about Feyris, this one is all about Feyris. I had my doubts about her at first, but heck: this episode really gave her character a different twist by explaining what the message was that she sent back. Spoilers coming up.

So in order to save her father from being killed, Feyris sent a message to her father in ordedr to get rid of a bizarre coincidence that happened to her in the past. Or at least, this is what I made of it: she got kidnapped, at the same time that her father died in a crash. For some reason the kidnappers weren’t able to contact Feyris’ father in time, and my guess is that after that, Feyris probably used her inheritance to set up Akihabara.

Basically Feyris had to choose between her father and Mayuri. If she saved her father, he would still have had to deal with the kidnappers, and he would have gotten the message telling about the IBN5100. I have no idea where that one came from yet, but that is one message that will probably be impossible to erase. In any case, usually when anime pull something like this, they come with this convenient way that allows for both options to come true. Not here though: Feyris deciding to change the past back made all that happened into a bit of a dream.

I really have to praise the creators here by the way: this show isn’t spiraling out of control; it’s getting more and more entangled with itself. It’s currently trying to re-engineer the plot, to the point where the time machine never got made. This forces the creators to go back to all of the major events of the first half. Talk about an awesome plot.

by the same logic, the next episode should then delve into the gender change again. The episode ended with the IBN5100 still not present at the shrine, and this makes sense: it disappeared after the gender change, not after Akihabara’s change. We’re about to find out what the heck could have caused that to happen: why would the girl version of Ruka want to get rid of that machine?
Rating: *** (Awesome)

9 thoughts on “Steins;Gate – 17

  1. There is one plot point i found the most important that Okabe only slightly hinted at, but then they never went back:

    That Feyris has memories from the previous world-lines. Now THAT is pretty damn important.

    And since we are moving back through the episodes now, i urge everyone, like i did here in the comments section in the last episode, to REWATCH EPISODE 1! Seriously, do it now. Maybe it you would spil yourself, but there are a few bits here and there that are of even more interest than before.

    Also, psgels, you made a slight typing mistake in the beginning: “Whereas the previous episode was all about Feyris, this one is all about Feyris.” Wasnt the previous about mayuri? :p

  2. I was under the impression that Feyris original D-Mail was a fake kidnapping message to her dad to prevent him from getting on the plane that would crash. So she was never really kidnapped?
    I’ll have to watch that part again.

  3. Really? I thought Feyris sent a D-mail, pretending to be a kidnapper to her father and demanded ransom money, so her father wouldn’t have gotten on the plane and died.

  4. “In any case, usually when anime pull something like this, they come with this convenient way that allows for both options to come true.”

    In general, in anime I hate it when they do that, but in this case I felt like Feyris gave up way too easily. Instead of sending her father a message that the kidnapping was fake she could have just sent him a message not to travel by car that day – this way he would live and he would not need to sell the IBN 5100.

    It’s still a minor complaint about this awesome show, but I was a bit bothered by it, since it did not seem to be such a clear cut situation where they had to choose one or the other.

  5. @Michael
    oh yeah, i mixed it up, but you know what i meant :p

    I was thinking the same, about her giving up too easily, but i guess that they speeded that episode up to get on with the story. Even at 24’ish episodes, it could have used a few more.
    Therefor i guess that it was explained further in the VN but i havent played it.

    (About the VN, the short glimpse of Mayuri turning into green jelly, is explained in full in the VN, but was cut down to just a tiny glimpse in the anime. So i guess they cut a lot of stuff, and also tried to merge one or more routes.)

  6. Holy crap I just watched ep 1 and the first 10 minutes are crazy… I love how it is called “The prologue to the beginning and the end”, and its amazing to actually understand whats going on now

    I wouldnt say it explains everything though, not even close… But I just loved the part where Kurisu tells Okarin that he just tried to tell her she was in danger, because he knew she would die… Im guessing somewhere along the line, Mayushi’s dead was replaced by Kurisu?

    Mind = Blown

    What I dont get is why Okarins mail was sent to the past, because at that time they hadnt even invented the D-mail yet

    I cant wait for the story to converge back into ep one and we see it from the point of view of future Okarin, that will be so amazing

  7. I’ve been thinking about watching the first episode again lately, especially since I got so bored by it that I waited like a month or two to pick the series up again. I’m so glad I did though, this is really a great series.

    And yeah, I thought Feyris sent the ransom threat herself. That’s why her D-mail she originally sent was about the ransom, and the message that changed it back was that she, Feyris, was joking about being kidnapped. Although, I wonder what happened with the money her dad would have used though? I mean who was he supposed to pay, his daughter for kidnapping herself? And he couldn’t get any more contact with them… and.. Ya know, it doesn’t matter. Still, like, I feel like they could have kept the computer if nobody actually kidnapped her.

    Anyway, the series is continuing to be heartbreaking, in a wonderful way. Looking forward to next week’s episode.

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