Space Dandy – 04 – 06

Okay. So you might wonder what I’ve been doing. I’m indeed on kindof a break. The reason for that is due to some weird reason, I can’t sit down and watch an episode anymore. It’s bizarre, but what used to be so normal in the past now is incredibly diffcult for some reason. I keep getting distracted by stupid things like brainless games or videos when I even remotely try to think of watching some anime. It’s really bizarre and I still need to wrap my mind around exactly what’s going on inside my head.

One thing I know for sure though, and that is that I have not lost my passion for anime. It has definitely changed, but the one series that reminds me why I originally fell in love with this medium is Space Dandy. This series really serves to remind me that yes, there can be great series. Many just haven’t appeared in the previous seasons. I really do want to keep up this blog, and put the focus on the kinds of series that do catch my attention, rather than the ones that don’t.

These three episodes. They’re crass, but that’s also just about the only negative thing that I have to say about it. This kind of mentality is exactly what I’m looking for here. We have three separate stories, that are all obviously Space Dandy, but all of them are totally different. Episode 4 is a Zombie parody, episode 5 suddenly gets serious, and then episode 6 comes with this weird surfing story combined with pants and vests. It’s all different, and it’s all creative, and they all stand out in their own way. Heck, even the fanservice is much less, aside from the occasional Boobies mention.

OUt of the three episodes, I think that 6 was the weakest, but even that one had its standout moment when the surfing began. Yes, it was pointless, but the thing is the experience here. Space Dandy is all about adventures here. The ending of that episode was like “okay, they’re dead. Now let’s go surfing”.

Plus, the characters are just really good. Space Dandy is very funny to watch, even when he’s not making a joke. The new characters have their own charms. They manage to bring out quite a few emotions, and some of the episodes are quite intelligent despite Dandy being an idiot. Episode 4 was the best example of that. On top of that the show also has very creative camera work and key animation, and the music also is very varied. That all adds to that experience that I’m looking for. The great shows don’t try to excel at just one thing, they try to bring all of their ingredients together into one. Here is a case where everyone is working together closely, paying actual attention to what they want to make.

25 thoughts on “Space Dandy – 04 – 06

  1. Episodes 5 and 6 were disappointing. This hole series was disappointing honestly. Well, besides episode 4,which is exactly what I want from this series. These kinds of jokes are the best ones, and I’m gonna keep watching in hopes we get more like that. But yeah, 5 and 6 were shit. Thank God I still have Kill la Kill, Sam flam, and Silver Spoon to keep me entertained.

      1. Samurai Flamenco is way better than the rest of the shit this season. I admit the From beyond arc was weak, but aside from that it’s great.

        1. There are plenty of entertaining shows this season. While most cannot be called perfect, many of them are just as good as the wreck that is Sam Flam. Granted, ep 16 was really good.

  2. Welcome back! I wouldn’t call Dandy a great show, but it’s the one I look forward to the most these days. It’s silly but pleasant in how varied and creative it is. Also, many references and hommages everywhere, but overall it reminds me mostly of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

  3. Long time lurker here. Glad to know the blog still lives! Your preferences pretty much mirror my own and thanks to you, you’ve steered to some real gems and spared me from some horrid clunkers. Hope you keep at it!

  4. So happy to see you again after a long time. Just write about anime you think it’s worth, do not try to cover too many series. It’s waste your time.

  5. Hi Psgels! Sorry for whatever’s making you feel the way you do. Hopefully you’ll be able to get back into gear again, and I’ll keep following this blog no matter what!

  6. For some weird reason, I am enjoying Yowamushi Pedal, Nobunagun, and D-Frag!. Also, HXH has just became awesome. Seriously HXH 116 is the epitome of the shounen series, go watch HXH psgels.

  7. good to see you’re back, yeah i can relate, im having trouble focusing any extended attention on anything at the moment. maybe its the winter blues. besides anipages, this is the only other anime blog i follow. been meaning to watch space dandy, its the only anime show thats catching my interest at the moment.

  8. Your burn-out is also probably due to this season being mostly awful. Can’t blame you really. Good to see you’re still around, though.

    Episode 5 of Space Dandy was my favorite, btw. Space Dandy should have been a serious show from the beginning.

  9. “The reason for that is due to some weird reason, I can’t sit down and watch an episode anymore. It’s bizarre, but what used to be so normal in the past now is incredibly diffcult for some reason. I keep getting distracted by stupid things like brainless games or videos when I even remotely try to think of watching some anime. It’s really bizarre and I still need to wrap my mind around exactly what’s going on inside my head. ”

    I think you got fed up with shitty animes, thats pretty normal. The exact same thing happens with me at least twice a year and each time lasts something around a month. During these periods, I am unable to watch a single episode; instead I watch a lot of live-action TV movies and series and it works! You should get yourself another hobby in order to diversify your options(considering that your only main hobby is watching animes, dunno).

    1. Yup Ive felt the same way for years, I think you just watch TOO MUCH shitty anime each season, You should really just take like maybe 2-3 of the BEST anime from the season to watch/blog. LIke if it’s not purely amazing, or extreemely entertaining, don’t watch it haha.

      I’m only watching HxH, kill la kill, Log Horizon and Marathon Dandy every month or so Dandy (ep7 was hilarious).

      That should keep you interested enouhg to keep watching, just filter out all of the crap.

  10. I can totally relate. I’ve been experiencing the same feeling, and like others have said, it’s because I feel like I have exhausted all the good anime in the world. Well hopefully this will change, but I don’t see that happening soon.

  11. Rather than trying to keep track of many series in a season as you have been doing for a long time, I agree it would be a good idea for you to just focus on the ones that actually do keep your attention and that make you want to write something about on this blog. Don’t force it, anime is there to be enjoyed, after all! n_n I get these phases all the time, too. Sometimes I’m really into anime and watch it every chance I get, sometimes I rrrreally don’t feel like it at all and find joy in other things like video games.

    (Also, HxH is indeed awesome!)

  12. Definitely burn out. You’re older now and most anime is written for teens and pre-teens who don’t know all the clichés yet. Take a break. I watch anime mostly for the art which is pretty amazing but story wise? It’s pretty rare to run across a good story in anime.

    1. “It’s pretty rare to run across a good story in anime.”

      Not that rare if you research carefully. But yeah, if you compare it with the vast amount of shit that is released each season, I see where you’re coming from.

      1. Thing is he researches carefully. . .every season lol which is probably why he’s getting burnt out, filtering through the huge amount of crap each season would demoralize anyone. I’, pretty good to the point that I can tell whether the series will be crap during the time the first pixel appears and the end of the opening season.

        I Haven’t been wrong for the past 5 years 😉

  13. I felt something like that in the past. But now I’m lucky to have a tablet and I have one eye on an anime and one eye on the monitor.

    Wake Up, Girls is quite refreshing. At least for me.
    Hajime no Ippo is also as good as ever.
    Can’t wait till Jojo 3 starts.

  14. Another long time lurker here. Take a break if you feel like you need it! Soon as posting feels like a chore, you should prob get away from it for a while. You don’t owe the internet anything (your blog posts will definitely be missed though!)

    Hope you are OK, Psgels! Don’t let internet idiots and crappy shows get you down.

    My picks for new shows this season are Space Dandy, Noragami, Hozuki no Reitetsu, and Inari Konkon.

  15. I wouldn’t worry too much about what’s happening with your brain. I’ve been going through the same thing over the past year myself. How I view things is changing as well as what I enjoy when. I think it’s probably a part of aging. We change, how we thing changes, what interests us changes, and those changes can seem very sudden. Especially true if you’re in the 23-26 age range where your brain is finally reaching the point of full development.

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